There are more than just the four seasons in life: winter, spring, summer, fall.
As humans, not just Christians (or everyone BUT Christians), we go through different phases of life that bring us into different “seasons,” if you will.
We can have seasons of both good and bad; times of sadness, or even depression. We can go through what seems like the lowest valley, and then come out on the highest mountaintop.
However, it’s what we do and how we act and who we lean on that determines how strong we are for the next season God is preparing for us. Life throws us some pretty crazy curve balls, we just have to take them one day at a time, and trust in the Lord.
There are seasons of growth, seasons of learning, seasons of resting, seasons of nothing, seasons of darkness, seasons of questions, seasons of doubts.
All of these seasons have purpose behind them, no matter how stressful/crazy/terrible they are. You wouldn’t be the person you are today without those seasons. You wouldn’t know the things you know now.
Our multiple seasons of life can help so many people, too. We can use these seasons as testimonies of how God got us through them, and to let them know they can get through the same season.
You would never look at me today and say, “I think she was bullied in the fourth grade” or “she struggles with a lot of self-worth and self-doubt.”
And why not?
I had and have Jesus with me the whole time.
I’m about to share a poem that wrote in a rough season of my life, I think it was sometime back in middle school.
This is not who I am today, but I wouldn’t be the person I was if I hadn’t gone through what I did. (Note: I have never physically harmed myself).
Empty and Broken by Claire Hampton
Tired of trying, sick of crying,
Yeah I’m smiling, but inside I’m dying
Feelings I used to have aren’t there
And for the first time in so long I really just don’t care
I lock away the pain, put away all the fears
Show you only smiles, not the hidden tears
When she cries, the makeup runs from her eyes
And spills the truth about how she feels inside
These scars on my wrists
Are proof that people like you exist
You haven’t felt pain
Until you can’t feel it anymore
Cry as I may
These tears won’t wash you away
Smiles are no more than empty love
I said that I don’t need you
But I’m a liar, I swear I do
I hurt myself so I can feel alive
Life is just a bloody mystery
Do you know how it feels to be alone?
I love to walk in the rain
Cause no one can see me cry
My silence is my sound
My heart is bleeding, my eyes are crying
I hate you, go away
I just can’t seem to get over you
My heart bleeds no more,
Now it’s been turned to stone
Empty and broken