Alright! I know this will be my third article about this man but I need you all to see it. I have added about four new colors to my Jeffree Star Liquid Lipstick collection. And now I have a grand total of 13! THIRTEEN!!!
The pictures below I took and shared to my personal Instagram
The colors are from darkest to lightest
-a navy blue tint with semi matte with a bit of a gloss feature
-a deep brown with a completely matted look
Unicorn Blood
-a deep red, sometimes looking like maroon depending on the lighting. It is another matted look.
- a matted dark taupe look.
- my favorite color in the entire collection, a mauve yet purple color. Another color with a matte feature.
- meet one of the first colors I bought, a medium purple that is more glossy than I thought.
- this color reminds me of another mauve but taupe like color. Semi glossy but always matte.
No Tea, No Shade
-along with Sagittarius, this is one of the newer shades in his lineup. This is a shimmery purple, what I thought to be a matte look, there is nothing matte about it. It must just be one of his glossiest looks ever.
-a deep pink with a matte feature.
Rose Matter
-a milder look than Masochist, just a lighter pink.
Posh Spice
-a deep beige that is super glossy.
Celebrity Skin
-a true neutral color that looks to sleek on the lips. A matted look with a slight gloss that makes it look like there is a slight layer of lipstick on.
-another near perfect lip color. There is no trace of gloss whatsoever.
The best way to remove his lipsticks is by using baby oil on a qtip. Just have the tip soak in the baby oil for a few seconds. Run the qtip on the lips and then dry. Before you know it, no mess and clear lips.
My technique to have the lipstick stay on longer is to exfoliate my lips then put on a thin layer of chapstick. Immediately after applying lipstick, I choose my color for the day and apply it.