I don't usually write articles pertaining to current events, because I don't necessarily enjoy being involved in broadcasting my opinions. However, after all of the tragic events that have happened in this past week, I feel as though it's time I talk about how I feel. As you can tell from my title, this article is going to be centered around my views on gun control in the United States. If you already do not agree with title, I will ask you to kindly cease reading. I'm not writing this to have people be angry with my opinion. I am writing this because I write to make sense of the world with my thoughts. I need to make sense of this.
I was born in April of 1997. I am now 19-years-old and have spent a portion of my life growing up with mass shootings. Many of them I have been far too young to comprehend, but I have watched them. In 2016 alone, we have had 136 mass shootings. It's only been the year 2016, for 164 days. To me, this is disgusting. This is a complete failure in the United States.
Upon hearing about the Orlando nightclub shooting at Pulse, I am horrified. I have read about the victims, I have seen the news pleas of a mother begging to know where her son is. I have read the chilling statement that investigators are hearing the rings of victims cellphones as they lie still on the club floor. I can't imagine how much of a nightmare this atrocity is for those directly affected. I am heartbroken. I have cried through every piece of this developing story. The innocent people that were murdered were someone's son, daughter, significant other, brother, sister, mother, father, etc. That destroys me on the inside. I am furious.
I am furious that someone is lacking the moral compass needed to keep from acts of violence like this. I am furious that people are bred to have so much hate in them, just because. I am absolutely furious that people can kill in the first place, senselessly, without understanding the impact this leaves on their families, society, and the world.
The answer to these acts of violence is not to start carrying guns to protect yourself. I understand that it is your right to decide that, and if you want to carry, go ahead. Your right is your right, and you are able to do with it what you will. But, I am scared.
I am not scared because I think someone is going to shoot me in broad daylight or when I'm out having fun. I am scared because this world does not trust each other. If you feel it necessary to carry a gun with you on a daily basis because you are worried that someone is going to harm you or the ones you love, that is the problem. We as a society should not be scared that someone is going to harm us when we are out or in our homes. I understand the feeling of wanting to protect yourself and those you love, but we should not be so distrusting of the world in which we occupy, to carry a gun. Think about this. If we feel so unsafe in the world we live in, why bring more guns into it? Why choose that to protect yourself? I personally, could never even hold a gun. Let alone point one at someone. Even if they are harming others, I don't see bringing out another gun into it, as a solution. I'm sorry if this next line offends you, but this is how I see it. If I am going to die, I'm going to die. I will do everything I can to save others, and hopefully myself, but I am not going to resort to carrying a gun for my own safety. I do not want to lose faith in people. I do not want to lose faith in the United States to be a welcoming place.
I am scared because I want to become a mother one day, and I don't want to have to worry about raising my children in such a hateful and chaotic environment. I don't want to have them looking up at me, and asking me why so many people are dying or why someone had the motives to kill. I want to be able to tell them that this world is full of love, and acceptance. What if I have biracial kids, or one of them is part of the LGBT community or wants to convert to Islam? I am scared that they are going to be targeted. That if they are different, they are going to be berated and hey, maybe even killed.
The problem is lack of acceptance. We fear what we do not understand. People become violent, because someone is different. People are people. Fundamentally, we are all the same as one another. Whether or not we have different beliefs, is not a call for violence. It is never a call for violence.
All I'm trying to say, is that we as a society shouldn't have so much fear that someone is going to shoot and kill us, that we need to have guns of our own.
I am praying for all the victims of the shooting, and their families. I am praying for Christina Grimmie as well, along with her family, and fans. I am praying that this world loves. I am praying that this world as is outraged as I am, and will band together to make a change. If you want to make change, please come forward with me. Donate blood at a donor area near you. Support Pulse Nightclub on twitter @pulseorlando or on their Facebook page. Help Orlando hospitals at http://orlandohealthfoundation.com. Lastly, spread love and support for the LGBT community.
Love always wins.