A little less than a year ago, I wrote an article titled "10 Conservatives Every College Conservative Should Follow On Twitter." The article did pretty well, and one of the people on the list (Kassy Dillon) even tweeted the article out. It even started a small trend where people tweeted out their own top ten because a lot of people were not happy with my top ten (which is fine, but it was just my opinion). However, it has been almost a year since that article and my time in politics has grown significantly. With that said, so have my opinions. Here is my updated list of the top ten conservatives all college conservatives should be following.
(For a fresh new list, I've excluded anyone who made the list last year).
1. Nikki Haley (@NikkiHaley)
President Trump's former United Nations Ambassador, Nikki Haley now has her own personal twitter after giving Trump the two years she promised him. We are all very eager to see what the future holds for Nikki Haley, and silently pray it holds a presidential run.
2. The Daily Wire (@realDailyWire)
The news source ran by Ben Shapiro has continued to time and time again prove to be the most reliable source to me. I know when looking for news on something, it will almost always be there on the Daily Wire. The new source is a conservative news source, so don't go there looking for opposing views, you probably won't find too many.
3. Joe Walsh (@WalshFreedom)
Joe Walsh is a former Congressman and now hosts a radio/TV show based out of Chicago. Joe Walsh and I don't agree on everything and he is definitely more libertarian, but opposing views are good especially when you both claim to be on the same side.
4. Future Female Leaders (@FFL_of_America)
Future Female Leaders is an all-female organization focused on empowering young conservative women and giving them resources to achieve their dreams in politics. They also have an amazing merchandise shop (stickers!!!).
5. Ben Sasse (@BenSasse)
Ben Sasse is a US Senator from Nebraska. He was rocketed into the select group of people that the conservative groupie follows around after his blow up around the Kavanaugh hearings. Since then, he's released a book about fixing the divide between the left and the right. He is personally one of my favorite Senators.
6. Michael Knowles (@michaeljknowles)
A writer and host of his own show, "The Michael Knowles Show" at the Daily Wire, Michael Knowles has made a name for himself on twitter with his quick wit and humor. He has great opinions and is awesome at calling out others.
7. Dan Crenshaw (@DanCrenshawTX)
A Congressman from Texas, Dan Crenshaw is a former Navy Seal who has now dedicated his life to changing our nation through legislation. He's an inspiration to everyone, and definitely someone everyone should look up to regardless of political views.
8. Dave Rubin (@RubinReport)
I can hear it now, "hE's NoT cOnSeRvAtIvE." I know, he's a classical liberal. But even though we may agree on a couple issues or more Dave Rubin has always done a great job at hearing all sides and explaining his own in a calm and collected way. I always find myself tuning into the Rubin Report whenever I can, and watching his speaking events.
9. Leadership Institute (@LeadershipInst)
The Leadership Institute trains conservatives. Through providing resources, speakers, and training, LI helps to teach young conservatives professionalism and how to host speakers, correctly compose a resume, and find internships/jobs.
10. Kimberly Corban (@Kimberly_Corban)
Kimberly Corban's story as a survivor of rape is inspiring. However, her message is much larger now since her story was politicized and used by lobbyist groups. She keeps it real and tells it how it is, and anyone can learn a thing or two about class from her.