I grew up in a small, country town, where many people haven't gotten used to the idea of women being independent. When I graduated, I had someone ask me, "So you have a diploma now, when are you getting married?" I laughed and replied, "I am going to college, and I will worry about that other stuff later."
I, for one, am a huge dreamer. I love to think about the impossible becoming reality. I love dreaming big. I find the idea of being stable in a career far more important than my relationship status right now. Maybe that is you, too. I love meeting like-minded individuals because it's so empowering to hear someone else's dreams. Marriage is just not something that is right for me in this phase of my life. My ambition is at an all time high, and I intend on fulfilling my purpose right now. One day, when the time is right, I will settle down and get married. That time is not right now though.
God places different dreams inside everyone's hearts. Some girls dream of being housewives. Some boys dream of being teachers. Some girls want to be CEO's, just like some guys. & Guess what - all of those are fine. We are each created as unique beings with unique dreams. So, if everyone is in different walks of life, why should we judge them in the place where God has them?
My advice is, never let the opinions of other people keep you from fulfilling the call that God has placed over your life. Small minded people will be the enemy of your potential if you listen to their sometimes degrading words. Do not doubt your call just because others see things differently. If you feel like you are supposed to be more career minded right now, be content with the mindset God has placed within you. It was not put there by accident. He knows the intricate parts within our minds because He placed them there Himself. He knows what He is doing.
Just remember: Be happy. Work towards your goals. Never stop dreaming.