Welcome back to Walkr: Fitness Space Adventure. These aliens give you advice as you walk around the universe exploring their planets with this pedometer app. Whether it's advice on keeping you healthy or happy, these extraterrestrials will keep a smile on your face with their messages. Here are 15 motivational messages from aliens to make your day:
1. Stop and smell the roses
Maddy McKeever
Take time to stop and watch the sunrise. Don't get so caught up in your day to day lives to not take a moment here and there to appreciate nature and the little things.
2. Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus
Maddy McKeever
Belief is a powerful thing. All that was left in Pandora's box was hope, so don't take that away from children when it keep them happy. Imagination should be encouraged.
3. You can lie down and die, or, you can fight regardless of the odds
Maddy McKeever
Don't be surprised if you back someone into a corner that they'll do whatever they can to get out. Forcing others into actions they don't agree with will never end well for you. Being manipulative will bite you in the ass eventually.
4. Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it
Maddy McKeever
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Be confident in your qualities that make you unique, because to someone out there they are special.
5. Don't wait for another year older for you to learn something new
Maddy McKeever
You're never to old to learn something new. Old dogs can learn new tricks. Go back to school, learn the guitar, or anything else you wanted to accomplish because you can still do it.
6. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you
Maddy McKeever
Be considerate of others. Be aware if those around you and how you are affecting them. Treat others how you would want to be treated.
7. The nation that destroys its soil destroys itself
Maddy McKeever
Take care of the planet around you and it will take care of you. We can't live on a dead planet, so be conscientious of your impact on the environment. What is the good of having a nice house without a decent planet to put it on?
8. Take care of yourself and others
Maddy McKeever
Studies have shown that we need 4 hugs a day for survival, 8 hugs a day for maintenance, and 12 hugs a day for growth. Don't be afraid to show physical affection to not only those you love, but those that need affection.
9. Be a fountain, not a drain
Maddy McKeever
In order to get, you must also give. Don't take more than you give or you won't have anything later to come back to and get. People shouldn't be resources for you to exploit. Every relationship should have a balance that is mutually beneficial.
10. You can't have dark without light
Maddy McKeever
Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that. Light and dark are a binary, and one cannot exist without the other. Just be careful of casting a shadow on those behind you in your pursuit of success. You cannot have a stable house without the foundation that supports it.
11. Procrastination is the enemy of progress
Maddy McKeever
Eating your feelings won't make your work go away. The only way to eat an elephant is one bite at a time. The best way to dispel worries is to take them one step at a time and work to fix what is causing them.
12. Relax the body, relax the mind
Maddy McKeever
We need time to defuse, to contemplate, and let our brains sleep and dream. Someone exhausted needs time to disconnect and reconnect to be on top of their game. Nothing rejuvenates like a good night's sleep.
13. When words fail, food speaks
Maddy McKeever
Food is an international language. Even when you can't speak someone's language, you can share an experience through sharing a meal. We all need to eat. Showing affection doesn't have to be done through flouncy words; affection can be shown through actions.
14. You don't have to brighten someone else's existence
Maddy McKeever
You are not required to burn yourself up to keep other people warm. The fire inside you should always be brighter than that around you. Taking care of others is important, but you should always be your first priority.
15. No day is so bad it can't be fixed with a nap
Maddy McKeever
Take time for self care, whether it be a nap, a bath, or just a cup of tea. Let yourself have those five minutes to decompress and rest between the chaos of everyday life. Let yourself stop and nurse a cup of tea until you can see the bottom of the cup.
Whether the advice deeply helps your life, or if it just gave you an extra smile today, I hope these little extraterrestrials have made an impression. Sometimes you just need a beetle to tell you that you are beautiful.
For more advice from outer space, see this article.
For other adorable health apps like Walkr, see this article.