Do you remember learning about all the fun facts of our universe when you were in elementary school? You know, the moon revolves around the earth and the earth revolves around the sun. Have you ever thought about the relationship between the sun, moon and earth? It is actually very interesting. They do so much that affects our life everyday and we don't even recognize daily.
The moon affects the rise and fall of the tides of all the oceans on this earth. The sun can fit almost a million earth's inside it. Then, I think about how small the moon is compared to the earth. Then, I think about how small and unnoticeable I am in the midst of all the magnitude. That is definitely awe-some to say the least. Isn't it amazing that we would not see the moon if it weren't for the rays of light produced by the sun? For a long time people just saw the moon shine at night, but then with ongoing research they realized it wasn't the moon at all; it was the sun all along.
Now I want to use this as an analogy. To spell it out simply, Jesus is the sun/ Son. As believers, we are the moon and the rest of humanity is the earth. As a follower of Christ, my sole purpose is to reflect the light of Christ even in the midst of my inferiority. I am bare, lifeless, and have been hit by meteors throughout time, but once I encountered the Sun/Son, I have a purpose. While we walk through the darkness of night, the light that is reflected proves that we are never alone. He is our guide. To go with that, the moon should be making waves on earth. People should draw to us (because of Christ) just like people are drawn to the beach. We are a movement. Everything we do makes a ripple.
It is fascinating that the moon can look so different from night to night. There are many different "faces" that we see. It is all based on where the sun is compared to the moon. For example, when the moon stands directly in the way of the sun and the earth, we no longer see the light. Do you see where I am going with this? As Christians, where we stand with Christ delegates how others see Him. When we are in perfect alignment with the Sun, only then can the earth see the fullness of Jesus...a full moon. They can see the radiant light that peers through the night sky. As we know, unfortunately, this is rarer than we would like to admit to ourselves. So, we must work diligently to align our hearts with Christ daily, because unlike the literal moon, we can fully reflect His light more than once or twice a month, but every minute of every day.