February Is The Month Of The Heart | The Odyssey Online
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February is the Month of the Heart

Celebrate the month of love by keeping your heart healthy.

February is the Month of the Heart
Joanna KosinskaJoanna Kosinska

The month of February is upon us, and it is safe to say that there are many things that come to mind when one thinks of February. All of these pertain to one central theme: the heart. Yes, February is the month of the heart and not just because of Valentine's Day and the love that's in the air but also because February is American Heart Month. American Heart Month, which occurs on the first Friday of February, is dedicated to raising awareness for heart disease, a condition that is the leading cause of death for both males and females in the United States, according to healthfinder.gov. To add, although heart disease is more prevalent among older adults, it is also found in young adults. The fact that heart disease can essentially occur at any age makes it that much more critical for people to create awareness regarding their lifestyles. Fortunately, heart disease is something that can be totally prevented provided that people make healthy choices. It's also important that people are educated about their health as well as the risk factors associated with heart disease such as cholesterol. Doing so will not only help identify factors that are indicative of heart disease but also encourage the management of such factors. So, in honor of American Heart Month, here is a list of things you can do to raise awareness for and prevent heart disease.

Wear red

There's nothing like a spreading the message of heart disease like dressing in red! It's a simple, yet powerful action you can take to show your support for the cause and create greater awareness for it.

Make smart eating choices

Live the cause by taking the appropriate steps to a healthier, more mindful life, and this of course, starts with what you eat. Feed and fuel your body with healthy and nutritious foods that will maximize your overall health.

Stay active

Stay committed to maintaining your health through movement of any kind. Walking, running, yoga and the like are good enough to ensure the strength of your health. Alongside a healthy, balanced diet, exercise also aids in preventing many risk factors commonly associated with cardiovascular diseases such as stress, high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Exercise makes you feel good and look good, so it's a win-win.

Don't smoke

Smoking evidently increases your chances of getting heart disease, so the only viable way to prevent any likelihood of heart disease is to not smoke, or if you do, to make the effort of stopping.

Encourage others to be mindful of their lifestyle

A big part of heart disease awareness is also about looking out for other people in your community or perhaps your social circle who may not be leading the healthiest of lives. If you see someone that you know that may be at risk of getting cardiovascular disease, encourage him or her to make smart, healthy choices. The best thing you can do is to help others who are in need of support and reassurance.

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