November has become my favorite month of the year. I love October with it's scary movies, Halloween, and leaves changing color. I also love December with it's hot chocolate, Christmas, and holiday movies at home. But to me, nothing beats November, because it is a time where you are reminded to be thankful. It's a simple concept but it's very easy to forget.
I confess, that I am negative by nature. It has always been harder for me to see the positive side of a situation and this attitude can sometimes make a normal day feel like trying to climb a mountain barefoot. It's absolutely miserable and absolutely unnecessary! When I became a Christian, I learned that I am called to be thankful. One bible verse that completely changed my life and felt like it was written just for me, was 1 Thessalonians 5:18:
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"Gives thanks in all circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus."
I LOVE this verse because it is so clear and direct! Be thankful, in all circumstances means the good, the bad, and the ugly! Because really even the bad and ugly are gifts in their own way! It's true, even if you don't realize at the time, because God works all things together for the good of those who love Him (Romans 8:28). I wanted to write about this because being thankful is one of my core beliefs as a person. Also, I figured other people struggle with being thankful and positive too. One of my good friends, Kailee Ackerman, shared a golden nugget of heavenly wisdom with me the other day. She said that because the Bible says God's mercies are new every morning and that His love for us never ceases (Lamentations 22-23), He is always doing stuff for us! She encouraged me to pray even before I go to bed that God would reveal the things He did for me that day that I might have missed. I love this prayer! It's so sweet and really does connect you to God's heart for you as His child. Honestly, I recommend this prayer to everyone, it's life changing and I think you will be so blessed in the ways that God answers your prayer!
So for this month of November, I want to challenge everyone to focus on being thankful! It will change your life and after the thirty days, I guaranty you are going to feel happier. You can do everyday of the month of November or you can do any thirty days you want (since I know this article will come out after November has started)! Below I have my thirty favorite quotes on being thankful, one for everyday of the month of November. They are in no specific order but I think they cover a wide variety of ways to be thankful and things to be thankful for! You can journal on the quotes, print them and hang them on your wall or fridge, or just think about them! I, myself am planning to do the challenge as well! I hope you enjoy it and feel you have changed for the better afterwards! But really my whole point is, that we should always be thankful because no matter how bad a situation might seem, there really is a glimmer of hope and positivity in it.