1. You slowly begin unpacking and wonder how all of your crap fit into your dorm room.
You refuse to unpack everything because you hope that keeping bags packed in the corner of your room will make the summer go by faster
2. At first, you're really excited about the endless supply of food in your fridge
3. But soon enough, you realize how much you miss going to dinner with your friends and that snacks aren't the same when you're not eating them in the hallway at three in the morning
4. You run into ten thousand people you don't feel like talking to, so you hide and pretend you don't exist
5. You realize people you hung out with in high school are really boring
6. So you text you friends from college instead.
You also Snapchat them and Facetime them and send pictures they'll appreciate in the group chat. Constantly.
7. You start your summer job again and it's nice to not feel like a broke college student anymore
8. But you're still really bored
9. You start fighting with your family
10. You find random things to keep you occupied at try to stay out of the house as much as possible. You even consider camping outside for the rest of the summer
11. You start buying random crap for your apartment and add it to the pile of unpacked boxes from May
12. You slowly get used to your work schedule and daily routine and you feel like a responsible adult
13. You start to get excited again about how easily accessible food is when you're home
14. But you still miss your friends
15. So you plan an adventure to go visit them. All of them
(repeat for the rest of the summer)