The last month of college can be a real struggle. I'm talking worse-than-senioritis type struggles. You're excited for it to finally be summer, a time to not do anything (except maybe get a job) and to finally not be so stressed out all the time. Of course, the only thing keeping you from the beach is finals — the worst creation ever!
So as everyone stresses to prepare for the worst week of the year, relieve some stress by relating your life to "The Office":
1. When you look at your bank account after a full year of wasting money
Seriously where did all my money go?
2. When someone reminds you that summer is coming and you need your beach body
But junk food is so good...
3. When you realize finals are soon
Smile through the pain.
4. When you decide to have one last fun night before you fully take on finals
At least you can do one more fun thing before hell week.
5. When you calculate the exact grade you need to pass a class
So, I need to get a 105% on this test. Good.
6. When the teacher suddenly reminds you that the final is cumulative
Seriously, why are cumulative finals a thing? No one has that much room for storage in their brain.
7. When you try to study and sound all smart
After reading an entire textbook in one day, you basically know everything.
8. When you realize you're gonna fail
This leads to a mini-break down, but what else is new?
9. But you tell yourself you're ready anyway
You give yourself a pep talk and put your game face on.
10. And you smile through the test, pretending you know what you're doing
But on the inside, you're slowly dying.
11. But then you celebrate because you are done with the semester!