I cannot stand the topic of money. All everyone cares about is money.
How much money do you have?
How are we going to pay this?
Who is paying me back for this?
Do you need money?
Can you pay?
I. CAN'T. STAND. IT. If everyone spent some time to look around and see the world for what it really is instead of one big pot of money. I know having money is important and that if you really are lacking in the financial department then living life nowadays will be a very hard task.
I get that.
However, money does not equal happiness. You can't just let money go ahead and ruin important things in life. Like relationships for instance.
If all you care about is money in a relationship, it won't go very far at all. Whether it be your husband, wife, daughter, sister, brother, boyfriend or girlfriend, do not let that become the sole reason to stay together or to break apart.
Other than relationships, you can't let money effect what you do and how you do things on a daily basis. If you find yourself making decisions solely based on money and nothing else, you need to reevaluate your life. Obviously saving money is always a good thing, but it comes to the extent of measuring your happiness and satisfaction with yourself and the world.