An overcast Monday morning. This is something that rolls around only once a week. People are always dreading this "Monday Morning" because that means the start of a new work week or another 5 days of responsibilities that always somehow slip away during the weekend. Many of these "Monday Mornings" are spent commuting to work, packing your kids lunches or cramming for the exam you forgot about. For some people, they go smooth and it's just another average day at the office or school but people will find something to complain about because why wouldn't they, its human nature. For the unlucky few, this "Monday Morning" is spent in a doctors office with un-wishful news or on the side of the road after an accident that totaled their car.
In society, people are always finding the negatives in different situations without realizing how good they have it. Although things may not always fall in your favor and not everything is always rainbows and unicorns, you woke up this morning and that should be enough. It could be worse!
We need to make it a point to smile at the person next to us in the Starbucks line instead of looking down at our phones and ignoring them. If we start little by little looking up from our phones and enjoying all life has to offer, people will start to follow the trend. Little acts of kindness can brighten someones day immensely because you never know if they were the person in the doctor's office or on the side of the road in the accident this morning.