This week I have decided to share my thoughts on a new social media hashtag that’s caught my interest. It’s #mondaymantra and I truly believe it’s a great way to start your week. What can be found amongst this hashtag is usually a picture of an inspirational quote to get you in the right mind frame at the start of your week. Celebrities like Sophia Bush and Kelly Osbourne have been seen posting these weekly and I personally am all for them.
Having the Monday blues is something I know all too well. As much as I love school, I love my weekends 10 times more. When my dreaded alarm goes off and I start shining the ridiculously bright LEDs from my iPhone in my eyes, it’s nice to have positivity be that first thing I see on my feed. For me, when I see the week’s new mantra, I take a minute to reflect on it and see how it applies to my current situation. I love seeing social media being used to spread positivity rather than as a contest to see who’s living the better life. You never know what people could be going through, and it really might make someone’s day to see some good fortune down their feed. It’s important to remember that people only post the good things that happen to them. Everyone is going to post about their crazy night out with all their friends but they aren’t also going to post a screenshot of their bank account the next morning.
This week, my Monday mantra is "everything happens for a reason." As the new school year is about to begin I’d like to get this saying tattooed on my forehead. Of course that’s being a little over dramatic, but I say those five words at least once a day. They put things into perspective for me. They give me faith that I’m making my way through this life just as I’m supposed to. When I’m faced with negative news, I always think, there has to be a reason this is happening. God doesn’t give you anything you can’t handle. Whether it’s a bad boss or realizing you’re not happy with the career you chose, everything happens for a reason.
This saying even pertains to the positives. I also believe good things come to those that wait and I’m a heavy believer in Karma. So whether you finally bought that purse you’ve been saving up for or you got higher than a C on that last math test, it all happened for a reason. Life always has a funny way of working out even through the ups and downs.
I, for one, think this Monday mantra trend should be more widespread. It’s important to start your week with confidence that it’ll be a good one. It might even help clear up those Monday blues. So wake up, count your blessings and face the day head strong. Remember that everything happens for a reason. What’s your Monday mantra?