Moms - the hardest working individuals out there.
Not to dim the light that dads give off but come on! Moms are what makes the world go round. I know I know that there are a few "not so great mothers" out there in the world and if you are reading this and you are one or have had one I am sorry you won't be able to relate. Most people will though, and this is for them; the great moms out there. This is for the women who carried their babies in their wombs, for the women who adopted, for the women who became a stepmother, for the women who is a mother to someone who is not of their blood, for the women who became a mother figure, heck this is even for the individual who may or may not identify as a woman but as a mother nonetheless. This is for you.
For my mom, who deserves more than one day to celebrate her and all that she is. You carried me and you keep on carrying me. You gave me life and you keep on giving me life. You taught me how to stand up when I fell down after my first steps and you keep on showing me how to stand tall after I fall every now and then. You are the reason why the world keeps on turning, and if that is too much then please know that you are why MY world keeps on turning. You are everything I want to be and more, sure we have our differences but you give the perfect example of what it is to be a mother. A strong, moving, dedicated, and all around perfect with all your small imperfections human being.
Moms. They deserve more than a card, some flowers, and a gift or two one day a year. This is not an article to rant about hallmark holidays or anything like that, I won't go into detail about why I don't like the fact that there is just one specific day to celebrate someone. They deserve more than one day to celebrate and give thanks to for all that they have done, all that they continue to do, and all that they will do. They deserve more. Even if they don't want it, they deserve it. Even if they don't believe that they are all of this and more, they deserve it. If you are reading this, and have an individual in your life that you call or can call a mother, mom, mumma, momma, mum, mami, mamita, madre, mama and have any way of communicating with her do it. Do it now! It doesn't have to be Mothers Day for you to want to call her, tell her you love her and appreciate her. Tell her and spread the love that she gave you. Tell her and show her what she has shown and given to you all of your life.