From the moment you knew I existed, you loved me.
From the moment you heard my first cry, you loved me more.
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From the moment you held me for the first time, you loved me even more.
Every day you prove to love me more.
What you may not know is that I love you more.
A mother's job is never done. A mother's job is no easy task. A mother's job is an unpaid job; but the amount of love you pay me is priceless.
You deserve a celebration for every time you let me try a new sport.
You deserve a celebration for every time you were right, but I still didn't listen.
You deserve a celebration for every time you drove me across town and back to hang out with my friends.
You deserve a celebration for every time you sat at the foot of my bed and said prayers before bed.
You deserve a celebration for every time you watched a Disney movie we had already seen one hundred times before.
You deserve a celebration for every time you helped me with my homework.
You deserve a celebration for every time you waited until I got home for curfew -- down to the second.
You deserve a celebration for every time you toured a university with me.
You deserve a celebration for every time you let me make my own decision.
After working a full day, I come home to food on the table, clean clothes folded and a bed made. These are things you don't have to do, and things that you shouldn'tdo. But you do them, anyway.
You deserve recognition that you don't get as often as you should.
You deserve recognition for being my cheerleader, my comforter, my friend, my chauffeur, my honest Abe, my supporter, my motivator and, most importantly, my mother.
All of which are things you don't have to be, but you are.
Happy Mother's Year, Mama.
Here's to years of celebrating everything you do and everything you are; a mother I hope to be at least half of what you exemplify.