On the 26th of April, 2019, the long-awaited movie "Avengers: Endgame" premiered in the United States of America, sending fans into a frenzy. In the film, characters such as "Thanos," "Iron Man," "Thor," "Captain America," and more were featured as the valiant heroes they have been known to be. Each time the film was seen, viewers hailed and honored the superheroes that cinema enthusiasts have come to adore over the years. While the film was finally released on the 26th of April, the real heroes of our time are being celebrated on May 12th, 2019- AKA, Mother's Day. Here are 9 reasons why moms are the real superheroes. Sorry, Thanos!
1. She always seems to know what you're thinking.
Image from Giphy.com.
Legend has it that all mothers wield the power of telepathy, but I simply believe that it's a mysterious maternal connection. Even when we don't understand what we're feeling, our mothers always seem to.
2. She will stop at nothing to protect her family.
Photo from Tenor.com.
They say a mother bear will always protect her cubs, and I am here to tell you that this is 200% true. Truly, a mother's love is stronger than all else- even John Cena.
3. She's your biggest cheerleader.
Since day one, every teeny-tiny victory that we've made has been a cause for celebration, and reinforcement of our mothers' pride. Even when we fall flat on our faces, our mothers have always been watchingn from the sidelines armed with glittery posters of support and pom-poms at the ready.
4. She puts up with our crap.
From Giphy.com.
Let's be real here- we all weren't exactly easy to raise. Even so, our mothers gritted their teeth, dealt with our crazy, and loved us anyway.
5. She knows you better than you know yourself.
From your biggest fears to your favorite ice cream flavor, our mothers keep every little detail about us squirreled away throughout the course of our lives. Some memory, huh?
6. She'll always serve you the truth.
From gfycat.com.
Even when we don't want to hear it, our mothers are always ready to give it to us straight. She's never afraid to cease the sugarcoating and tell us exactly what we need to hear.
7. She's consistent.
Friends may change like the seasons, but our mothers always do their part to remain in our lives. Our lives are constantly changing, but our mothers are always ready to change with us.
8. She's got your back.
The moment that a tear falls down one's face, our mothers are on the case. Even when you're in despair from the mess you yourself have created, mothers are always ready to share the burden.
9. She's an amazing listener.
From Giphy.com.
Even when our emotions manifest in the form of a long, shapeless speech, our mothers have sat by our side and listened. Sure, they might not always agree with what we say, but they'll always be ready for us to pour our hearts out, armed with tissues, chocolate, and magical motherly hugs.
10. Her love is unconditional.
Even when we mess up- which I tend to do very often- we can be sure that our mothers won't love us any less for the imperfect human beings we are. At the end of the day, our mothers have only one of us, and we have only one of them.