Dear Mommy,
Get a box of tissues, I know you’re going to start crying. No shame, just do it now.
As I begin writing this letter, I realize this is going to be more challenging than I thought. It’s not that I don’t have anything to say; I have too much to say. My thoughts are buzzing, and I just don’t know how to put my words into sentences.
I want to start out by saying that I love you. I know that I don’t always show it and that I only say it passively before we hang up the phone, but I truly mean it. Whether you know it or not, I look up to you for everything. I never had an older brother or sister, so you always were and always will be my role model and inspiration. You are my light to guide me and my safety net to catch me when I fall. When I was a little girl, I remember playing dress up with your clothes and shoes in my efforts to be just like you. As I grew older, I learned to become my own person, independent from you. Even though I now have my own thoughts and feelings, I hope to grow into the woman and mother you are.
I would now like to thank you. There is no amount of words to express my gratitude for all that you have done for me. At the very least, you have given me life, the greatest gift one could ever receive. Above that, you have made my life one worth living. You put me before yourself, even if it means that you get the short end of the stick. You always protect me, even if it means risking your life to preserve mine. You willingly give me the shirt off your back, you believe in me when nobody does, and you stand by me when everybody walks away. You pick up the broken pieces and somehow put them back together again. You’ve seen me at my best, and you’ve seen me at my worst, yet you still choose to love me unconditionally.
Every day I am reminded by how much you love me, even if it goes unsaid. It’s the little things you do, like calling me to ask how my midterm was or saying that you saw something that reminded you of me. Because we have such a close relationship, I feel like I can come to you for anything without any judgement. You always listen to me, even when your problems are much more important or relevant. You give me a shoulder to cry on when I need it, and you voluntarily choose to feel my pain when I choose to neglect it.
Even though we’re close, we still fight time to time. I’m sorry for calling you profane names, slamming the door, or saying hateful things when I get angry. I can’t promise that it won’t happen again, but I can promise that my feelings are only temporary and that I will always love you. I’m sorry for blowing you off to hang out with my friends. I’m sorry for forgetting to take my plate to the sink after dinner or to stop at the mailbox on my way home. I’m sorry for the late-night phone calls that wake you up sometimes. I’m not perfect, but thank you for putting up with me.
In my short time on earth, you have taught me so much. You taught me how to write my name and how to do my laundry. You taught me how to treat others and be the best person I can be. You taught me about self-respect and standards and that I deserve the best. You taught me that it is OK to fall as long as you pick yourself back up. You taught me that life is unexpected, and you can never really expect what’s going to happen next.
So thank you for everything I mentioned and more.
This whole letter has been me thanking you for what you have done for me, so I want to thank you for you just being you. You are the most important and influential woman in my life. You are so loving, caring, selfless, generous, and strong. You are beautiful, and don’t let anybody tell you otherwise.
I know you worry about me sometimes, and I know I make stupid decisions, but I promise you I am OK. I don’t know how, but I know you’re always right.
Mom, you have given me wings, and I have learned to fly.
I love you so much.
Your Daughter