To be honest, I really never thought that I would ever fully agree with the cliché "Mother knows best."
However, I am here to tell you now that as I have gotten older, I have converted into a true believer.
Don't get me wrong, my mom and I have always been close, but there were most definitely times as a bratty preteen/teenager that I thought I just had it all figured out.
Here are just a few of the things that my mom has told me since day one that I thought could not possibly be true, but "shockingly" she turned out to be exactly right. (And thank God she was)
1. "Your siblings will be your best friends as you get older."
I remember my mom telling my older brother, younger sister, and I this every time we fought or picked on one another. I honestly thought it was something she just said to make us stop, but it turns out that it couldn't be more accurate. I thought, "NO WAY" the brother who used to beat me up or pick on me would turn out being the one I can come to or confide in most. I thought, "YEAH RIGHT" that the little sister who I used to drive crazy and have to share everything with would be the one whose opinions of me and feelings I care about more than anyone.
Obviously, I've always loved my siblings and it's completely normal for us to argue. But as I've grown up a little, I get more and more thankful for them each day and I wouldn't trade them for the world. I guess you were right, Mom.
2. "When it comes to friends, quality is way more important than quantity."
Every time my mom used to tell me this when I was upset over not being invited somewhere or feeling left out, I just thought she was trying to cheer me up. She used to tell me that in the long run, this will all seem so insignificant and the true friends will be there to stick around.
Even though I was such a people pleaser and wanted to have the most friends, she would emphasize to me "the friends who mind don't matter, and the friends who matter won't mind." I've found that as you get older, people drift apart and lives change, and your inner circles do get smaller. I wish middle school me would have believed her...would have saved me a lot of drama over missed invites to sleepovers or whatever the problem ever was.
3. "Don't wish your life away, you really will miss this."
Goodness. I think we can all agree that someone has told us this in our lifetime and I'd be willing to bet you agree with me on the fact that you wish you would have listened. I remember being so ready to get to high school and then get to college. I thought to myself, "No chance I'm going to miss this, I'm ready to get away from home and do something new!" While I do enjoy the freedoms of college, I miss the comfort and the easiness of home.
As a junior with only a year and a half left until I'm "in the real world", I would give just about anything for some stress to be relieved and my biggest worry in life to be, "I wonder what's for dinner tonight?" I know it's a part of life, and it's human nature to be excited and look forward to the future. But I sure do wish I would have pumped the brakes and listened to my mom every time she warned me to enjoy the stage of life I was in.
4. "You should probably learn how to cook and do your own laundry."
I really wish I would have listened to this suggestion. I'll admit, I am 20 years old and still cannot cook anything at all. I'm honestly lucky if I don't screw up Ramen. I did learn how to do my own laundry, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't call to ask if certain things need to be hand or machine washed, and still randomly show up at home with a full load to hand off. Sorry, Mom, you were right, but I blame you for taking such good care of me. :)
5. "Family is what matters the most, and your mom will always love you more than anyone."
This one is something that I always believed, but it's taken me a little bit of growing up and being on my own to realize and appreciate just how much truth is behind this. Throughout my life, I've had good times and bad, ups and downs, successes and disappointments. The ONLY person that has literally been there with me through it all ever since day one, is my mom. (And well my dad too, of course. Love him, can't forget him).
As I've gotten older, I realize now more than I ever have just how lucky I am for my mom, and how much I depend on her. In 20 years she has never let me down, she's always had my back (even when I was wrong), and she's given me more than I could ever deserve.
So thank you, Mom, for always being right about these things and so many more. I should have known better than to ever doubt you (even though don't be surprised when I likely try to do it again). I thank God for blessing me with you every single day. Thank you for loving me always!