1. But my mom lets me do it
Yeah, I'm sure mom lets you have cookies before lunch and do gymnastics on the furniture. We'll check with her when she gets home.
2. When your kids finally go down for a nap
We've been waiting for this moment since we arrived this morning!
4. When the kids trash the room you just picked up
You know deep down that the house will be a mess when mom and dad get home.
5. When the weather ruins your plans
You spent hours planning out the perfect week, only to have it rain on the park day and be 102 degrees when you wanted to go to the zoo.
6. Being constantly worried that you will lose a child
Constantly looking around to keep track of 3 kids is impossible when every kid has blonde hair and a pink shirt.
7. Calling them "my kids"
Because when you're with them for over 10 hours a day, you as proud and attached as you would to your own kiddos.
8. And missing them when you're gone, even for a few days
While you do appreciate your few moments of peace and quiet, you'll never admit how much you actually miss your kiddos.
9. Doing the same thing, "again, again!" ALL. DAY. LONG.
You probably know the words to their favorite picture book by heart and have been to the same park every day for the last month.
10. Googling "free activities for kids x years old" in your area
Which probably means going to the library story time and play groups every Wednesday morning, and making a calendar to keep track of the special activities for the week.
11. Being a master of every park, pool, and museum within a 10-mile radius
You can easily name the best place for every occasion for each of your kids.
14. When your kid has a meltdown, and all you want to do is join in
After an 11 hour day, you can barely hold yourself together, let alone manage the meltdown of your kid.
15. In the end, being excited to do it all again the next day
Because even though you're run down, hungry, and overtired, you can't imagine it any other way.