Welp, it happened. I have officially become an alumna of my sorority. After four years of tears, laughter, and rolling of a lot of eyes, I have officially become a part of a new group of women. This new group consists of those who experienced my wonderful sisterhood both near and far and can honestly say they are better for it. Every chapter is different, but a part of what mine does is give advice to the younger members or explain how much the past 2-4 years in my sorority has meant. When given this task, I thought how do I condense the best four years of my life into a one to two-minute speech? The fact is I couldn't and I can't. There are so many moments and memories that can never be shared amongst myself and my fellow seniors.
During everyone's speeches and words of advice I heard a few common themes I want to share.
Break out of your comfort zone.
Especially when joining a chapter of 200+ girls, it can be intimidating to put yourself out there and be a little more vulnerable to new experiences and new friendships. When you allow yourself to talk with someone you never thought you'd get along with, you might just meet your new best friend. If you see a girl from your chapter in one of your classes, go up and sit with her. You never know what could happen after bonding over having to write a million papers for a Gen-Ed class.
Go out on a Tuesday.
Sure, in college it seems that people may only go out on the weekend, but in reality, the best moments have been going out on a Tuesday even when I have an 8 a.m. on a Wednesday. The memories and frolicking that happens on a random night are the ones that you will never forget. Plus going to the library on a Wednesday morning and getting laughed at by strangers who saw you the night before, always make for an interesting day.
Don't be scared to be your true self.
When I first got to college, I admit that I was not acting like my true, weird, dramatic self. Instead, I thought I had to be someone I wasn't. Then I met the most caring and beautiful young women who have changed my life. From freshman year and helping me break out of my shell to senior year when they wipe my tears away and hold me as I sob, these women have seen me at my worst on a bathroom floor or at my best. When you allow yourself to be loved and to love back, the friendships and soulmates you find are what make life so great.
To my girlie girls and to all those who have made the past four years even greater than I have ever dreamed, thank you for loving me and still answering my 1am FaceTime calls. Cheers to you and cheers to me and all the future years and memories we will have together.