Everyone says they have the best parents in the world, and while that may be true for them, nobody else's parents are the best parents in the world to me. When I think of my parents, the first word that comes to mind is "sacrifice." That word truly sums up my parents love for my brother and I. It's not always like the painful and awful sacrifices, some are easier than others, but my parents have given their all into raising us. From sacrificing potential vacations and luxuries so that my brother and I could have thirteen years of private schooling to staying up with me countless nights to make sure my problems were dealt with. They never had time to deal with their personal problems, my brother and I were the priority, we always came first. They raised us with some of the most humble values. To always thank a soldier or veteran, no matter where you are. To wait your turn, and take only what you have earned. My dad did not fail to drill "please" and "thank you" in our heads, that's for sure. I don't always take the time to realize it, but I had an awesome childhood, and, I am living an amazing life thanks to them. So Mom and Dad, thank you. Thank you for the sacrifices. Thank you for holding my hand when I crossed the street, and for holding me down so the doctor could give me a shot without me hitting them. Thank you for the bedtime prayers, and the "I love you shushu, I love you sissy" every night after prayers. Thank you for the meals, cooking us food after your already long day at work, or taking us out to eat for no reason. Thank you for the amazing advice that I didn't always take, but ended up wishing I had. You guys always know better, and I hope one day I will come to use that to my advantage. Thank you for the drives up north and showing us the importance of family, we have memories that will forever stay with us because of that. Thank you for the last minute shopping trips so I can have whatever I needed to have prepared and on time. Thank you for making our lunches every day for school even when we were seniors in high school. There are a million different thank you's I could list, and in all reality, there are a million different ones I don't even realize. We both love you and appreciate you so much, even though it doesn't always seem like it. You both are models for how I want to raise my family and I hope to do as good as a job as you guys did (because I'm pretty cool.) There is enough "I love you's" in the world to explain my love for you, so thank you Mom, and thank you Dad.
With love,
Your Sunshine and Celtic Princess