Mom, A Simple 'Thank You' Is Not Enough | The Odyssey Online
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Mom, A Simple 'Thank You' Is Not Enough

Words are too weak to express my appreciation for you and all that you do.

Mom, A Simple 'Thank You' Is Not Enough

To my darling mother:

As I grow into a young woman, I often reflect on all that you've taught me while growing up. I look back on all of our memories together from when I was a little girl and can't help but feel immense warmth and contentment as I'm reminded of the amazing moments we've shared together when you were young. You were my soulmate from the moment we met. The older I get and the closer we grow, the more this statement grows true. You move me and inspire me in ways that no one else can. For all that you've done and all that you continue to do, I will forever be thankful for the impact you make in my life, and for the lifelong lessons you've instilled in me early on.

Thank you for teaching me to be God-fearing. Because of your dedication and commitment to taking me to church every Sunday, on holy days of obligation and holidays, I've grown to appreciate attending mass and making sense of the homily. I recognize the value of receiving communion and being one in prayer with the Lord. You've taught me to seek His guidance in times of stress and trouble; you've taught me to praise Him and honor His glory in times of jubilation. My faith in the Lord has kept me grounded throughout my life and continues to do so as I close old doors and open new ones. I have been called to bring others closer to Him, and because of this, I look for Christ in everyone I meet.

Thank you for teaching me the importance of family values. My heart aches for those who, for one reason or another, lack intimate family bonds. I can't bear the thought of not having an open relationship with you and our family. I cherish every meal we are so blessed to be able to sit down at the kitchen table and eat together. You've taught me the value of having face to face conversation over meals with loved ones rather than taking dinner to the living room to enjoy while we watch TV. I understand how crucial it is for our well being to mentally and emotionally invest in one another. This also goes for attending special events, whether they are sporting, academic, or musical- blood is thicker than water, and family encouragement and support trumps all.

Thank you for teaching me that I am better than nobody, and nobody is better than me. We were all put on this earth as equal beings, and it is our mission to be Christlike and bring others closer to God. We cannot achieve this by putting ourselves on pedestals or by letting others tear us down. You've taught me to be humble but also to recognize my worth. I've learned to be open minded and kind hearted to my friends, my peers, my coworkers, and even strangers in the pursuit of my own special journey in life.

Thank you for teaching me to complement prayer with action. The Lord works in mysterious ways- some ways in which we will never know why until we meet Him when the time comes. But throughout our lives, you've ingrained in me the significance of offering prayer to those who need it, but also making an attempt to be physically present or offering some form of help or companionship. Sometimes the toughest times we endure cannot be overcome on our own. With the love, sympathy- even empathy, in some cases- and presence of those who are significant to us, we will never feel powerless or defeated with the support of people we should be able to count on. Because of you, I understand what it means to truly be there for someone in pain.

Thank you for teaching me how to be disciplined and free-spirited at the same time. Growing up, I've always thought of the "bigger picture." The choices I make are for the betterment of my future because you taught me why it is important to set myself up for success and stability early on. I've learned how to prioritize school work, extra curriculars, a part time job, a social life, and family while allowing myself to have down time, too. Due to always thinking ahead, I've made the choice to miss out on opportunities to "have fun" because I chose to write that paper or pick up extra hours at work so I don't fall behind. I know I'll thank myself for this. At the same time though, you've taught me that life isn't all about buckling down and being serious. Thank you for taking me out for pancakes at midnight, sledding through icy streets with me at 3 AM in the dead of winter, and trusting me to go off with friends for a weekend on the town- after all, I am still young.

Thank you for talking to me about worldly issues, sharing your opinion, and letting me form mine. In this day and age, everyone has an opinion, but so many of those opinions are not formed based on the knowledge of facts. From a young age, you've been honest with me about what goes on in the world, in our own personal lives, and what has potential to happen in the future. In terms of religious beliefs, politics, and on a lighter note, taste in wine, you've always been there to give me the highs and lows but never once told me I was only allowed to think one way. You've helped mold my character but you've given me space to make my own choices and analyze situations without outside influence. I appreciate the tools you've given me to think for myself.

Thank you for unintentionally teaching me how to be a future mom. You've taught me how to be altruistic, flexible, hardworking, patient, understanding, genuine, honest, respectful, and so much more because you are that way with me. To say that it would be an honor to be half the woman you are some day is an understatement. I look at you in awe in everything you do because I am amazed at how effortlessly you give yourself to everyone around you. You accept your crosses and you carry them. You value life- in all of its forms- and treat it like the precious gift it is. You give me hope that some day, I will have the gift to raise my future family as beautifully as you've raised me. In your footsteps, I aim to follow.

I love you to the moon and back again.

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