Here I am in front of my computer, it's time to focus. But what in the world am I focused on? With everything going on around me, focus out the window and worry has set in its place. My SuperMom cape has holes and is tattered. I am a mess. My mind is on everywhere but where I need it to be.
School Shootings Are on the Rise.
School Bus
Photo by Element5 Digital on Unsplash
Every morning I tell my daughters that I love them and to have an amazing day. But the moment the bus is out of my site, I am terrified. What if games play in my head about the many kids they have told me about. How does a parent lose the fear that the second safest place for their kids is now dangerous?
Bullies - The No Bullying Posters Feel Like Decoration.
Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash
The hallways are lined with posters that speak of 'no bullying', yet as you walk the hallways you watch kids get tripped. My daughters tell me of girls nude pictures being leaked by people they trusted with them. Lies of sexual experiences happen. Bullying is on the rise due to technology and social media. There are more kids with anxiety and depression than there was in the days I was in school.
What Are the Side Effects of these Drugs?
As soon as your kids are a little down in the dumps. Or have a case of depression, doctors throw them on medication. Yet when you ask for answers about the medication they get upset. Therapy has become more about the money that can be made and not so much as the help that can be given. Therapists are struggling to reach a deadline of seeing the kids so many times a month so they can continue getting paid for it them, instead of trying to give each kid the best help.
Where are the Good Therapists?
Photo by Nik Shuliahin on Unsplash
Therapist at school are few and stretch thin, while companies are charging people for missing appointments regardless of what the problem is. Therapy used to be about helping and fixing broken people, but it has been more about lining pockets. This causes more suicide in youth than previous years.