You gave your all to make sure I was happy and had a good childhood. As a kid, I always counted on food on the table, a ride to my friends, or even watching what TV show I wanted to see. You never asked to switch the cartoons and let you watch your program. You never showed how worn out you were or how stressed you felt. I never took into consideration that you may have had a hard day at work, you were the superhero mom who did it all. I'm sorry that I never asked how you felt or what you needed.
You always made sure I had warm clothes on and new shoes. I wish I could have told my younger self that it wasn't about the labels. You did all you could to make sure I never went without, but to a preteen that wanted to fit in it didn't seem to matter. I wish I could go back in time to see the sacrifices you made and comprehend your love for me. I wish I could have been more grateful for the things I had. You gave up being a stay at home moms to work in factories, making sure that we had what we needed. You did what you had to, not what you wanted. I'm sorry you had to give up on some of your dreams to make sure we one day reached ours.
You never had days off. Relaxing could be far and few between. Even when you were under the weather you were still chasing us around the house. When I was sick you always made sure I was comfortable and nursed me back to health. You even used your vacation days just so I wouldn't have to be at home alone. I'm sorry you didn't get to take care of yourself while you were busy taking care of me.
As I got older and became a teenager, my attitude was at an all time high. I thought naturally that I knew it all and could make my own decisions. Of course you knew better and always got on to me. I wish I could tell my younger self to just listen, because Mom, you were always right. I wish I could tell myself that you only did this because you loved me, not because you hated me. You never once gave up on me no matter how mad I got. I'm sorry for all the slammed doors and shouts of things I never meant.
Mom, I know it's been a long road. You dedicated your whole life to me, never putting yourself first. I only hope I can be half the woman and mother you are one day. You are strong for me when I am weak. You are brave and fearless. Your love can move mountains. I'm sorry I wasn't always the best daughter, but I'm grateful I am yours. I could never imagine a world without you.