Freshman year stereotypes say that homesickness is to be expected. Over 70% of students claim to feel a strong amount of homesickness during their first semester at college. Freshman are known to call their moms every other day. They miss their family. And I'm sorry mom, but I don't miss you.
Now, don't get me wrong; I do miss you. I miss having you make me breakfast on the first day of school and coming home that night to tell you about all of the exciting things we did and the classes I'll be taking. I miss curling up on the couch and watching a movie on Saturday nights. I miss telling you about the cute boy that lives down the street. I miss hearing about your escapades at work and at church. I miss you not being with me. I've known you one hundred percent of my life; of course I miss you. But I don't miss you.
I don't have the awful feeling in my chest that screams "I MISS YOU" every morning when I wake up. I do not cry every night because I'm far away from home. I don't need to call you to inform you of every detail of my life. I don't have you at the top of my list to tell about the cute boy that lives down the street. I don't miss you, and I'm sorry. I wish I was homesick just a little. I feel like it would make this transition easier on both of us.
Do you remember when I was a little kid running out of your arms on the first day of kindergarten? You cried, I didn't. That is what this is. You cried, I didn't. The circumstance is just different. In kindergarten, you got me back at the end of the day. Now, you get me back at the end of every few weeks. I wish it was less than that. Not because I don't want to be home, I just love it here.
So, let me tell you what I've been doing instead of calling every day to check in. I've been writing lots of papers and doing loads of homework. I've been drinking really good coffee made by a very nice boy whom I hope someday I can call a friend. I've been playing pool with my roommate and our friends. I've been going to class. I've been giving presentations. I've been going to church. I've been going to worship nights. I've been having fun.
Mom, I'm still that same kindergartener that ran out of your arms, up the stairs, and never looked back. I do think about you, I do need you, I do love you with my whole heart. But I don't miss you. I never looked back, I never stopped running, and I don't think I plan to any time soon.