Dear Mom,
Thank you!
For carrying me in you for those long never ending nine months of your life. Listening to me cry and watching me throw those temper tantrums because I did not get my way, or because you had to leave me for more than three minutes. For the endless nights you stayed up with me because I was sick, or just because I did not want to sleep alone due to the monsters under the bed. Cleaning out my scraps and wounds because I fell off my bike for the first or tenth time, rushing me to the emergency room because I fell and cracked my chin open. Teaching me how to brush my teeth,do my hair, picking out outfits and how to tie my shoes. For not getting mad when I mad that beautiful art work all over your walls with sharpie! For dropping me off at all my first days of school & picking me up on the last’s to enjoy the first day of summer.
As I grew you turned into more of my best friend than my mom. Some would say that is not good “parenting” but parenting doesn’t come with a manual and it worked out fine for our relationship. In middle school when I was lost and trying to find my way you were there. Thank you for carpooling my friends and I to all those school events. For the support in all the sports I wanted to try. For the endless Hannah Montana and Jonas Brothers concerts you dropped big bucks on. In high school when I was nervous about what I was going to do for the rest of my life you were there to tell me I would figure it out. For sitting through those never-ending days of cheerleading competitions and being my biggest fan no matter what the results showed. When I loved that first boy and you found me crying in my room two in the morning you were there to wipe my tears! For those never ending lectures I heard before I went out every Friday and Saturday night to those "crazy" parties. For being the mom that listened to the bad things me and my friends did, helping us all with boys and giving us endless advice on friendship. Dealing with my very picky attitude on all the homecomings and proms. When I did not get into that college that I thought I would, you were there holding my hand to guide me through.
Now as I sit here in college trying to figure out the steps of becoming an adult and how this life I live is supposed to work, you are here by my side. You always seem to know the right words to say and the actions to take to help me. Thank you for reminiscing on the past with me and helping me plan my future. Picking out the name your grandkids will call you one day, planning my wedding six years in advance and teaching me all I need to know to continue on the right path. Thank you for never leaving my side, for being my person, my role model, best friend and most importantly my mom. I can only hope I can give my children the life & love you have given me.
Today is about you, it is your day to know all you have done and given me. I know it hasn’t been easy to raise a sassy thing like me. But you have done an excellent job. Enjoy this day, relax and know that all your hard has finally paid off.
Happy Mother's Day!
Love your baby girl