This past weekend was my mom’s birthday, and since she’s been so supportive of my writing (and honestly, everything in my life) it’s only fitting that I dedicate an article to her. She’s done so much for me, despite every mistake I’ve ever made, and I can’t thank or appreciate her enough for that. She is an amazing woman, and I really hope she never forgets that.
Moms are our best friends, our worst enemies, the one person in the world that we always need even if we don’t want to admit it. We have an unbreakable bond with them throughout our early years, and they teach us right from wrong while still helping us through every mistake. During our teenage years, they’re the ones who get on our nerves to no end because even though you don’t understand it yet, they are always trying to do what’s best for you. It’s not until you’re an adult that you become best friends with your mom, and that’s when you really get to the good stuff.
Although I’ve been home all summer from school, I haven’t really been present at my house all that much. Between working, seeing friends, and everything that comes in between, I haven’t spent nearly as much time with my family this summer as I have in the past. I know this takes a toll on her, and it’s one of the only things I regret about this summer so far. However, despite the fact that she’s been watching her first-born break out of her shell and become less dependent from her, she has been unconditionally supportive all the way through.
My mom has always supported me through everything. Many people in my life have chosen to leave, but she has stayed through everything, and has walked beside me every step of the way. She has always been my biggest support system, and I know I can always count on her to be a shoulder to cry on, a sounding board, or just a friend when I need one.
Moms feel every single emotion we feel as we grow up, to an even greater extent. They feel our pain, our joy, our sadness, etc. They understand and help us whenever they possibly can, and provide the best source of support. My mom has done so much for me and I cannot thank her enough for everything she has done. I cannot thank her enough for sticking with me through every rough patch, every fight, and every tear, or for laughing with me on all the good times along the way.
Life can be so hard, and if you don’t have someone to lean on, it i even harder to cope with. My mom has always been the person that I have leaned on, and I know that she will always be the one that I run back to in the end. I wouldn’t be the person that I am today without my mom, and I want nothing more than for her to know how appreciative I am of her.
I love you, Mom. And thank you.