The Gilmore girls get it - mother daughter time is essential to keeping your head through the craziness of this unpredictable world. Luckily, we always have Mom to turn to. If your Mom is your best friend then you know just what I’m talking about. Here are the Gilmore girls to explain why having your Mom as your best friend is the actual best!
When you reunite in true mother-daughter fashion.
You can always make each other laugh.
Is it just me, or does every solid mother-daughter foundation need to start with coffee?
You know how to make your own fun together.
You have your own inside jokes that are essentially gibberish to those outside the know.
When you both have your priorities in order.
She put up with your bad-boy phase.
You're there for each other. Mom protects daughter and daughter protects Mom, always.
When you can point directly at the person who inspired you your whole life long.
She inspired not just the good, but the goofiness too!
When you stick together, no matter what.

She is filled with wisdom you can't find anywhere else.
When your Mom is the actual homie.
When Mom wants you to stay a little kid forever.
You feel lucky to have each other.
When she turns into super-protective Momma Bear.
When Mom just gets you.
All in all, you're two fabulous ladies, bonded by blood but best friends at heart.
Some relationships just weren't meant to be messed with.
It's us against the world.
Thanks for being #motherdaughtergoals, Gilmore girls!
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