Are You The Mom Of Your Friend Group? Find Out Now. | The Odyssey Online
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11 Obvious Signs Being The 'Mom' Of Your Friend Group Is 100 Percent Your Brand

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11 Obvious Signs Being The 'Mom' Of Your Friend Group Is 100 Percent Your Brand
Daniella Masrour

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We all know there is a 'mom' in every friend group. You know, someone who always knows what to do in sticky situations and acts like she runs the group. If you don't know and can't seem to figure out who the mom in your group is, I hate to break it to you but chances are it's probably you.

1. You ALWAYS carry snacks

Whether it's going to class, a workout, the mall, or Disneyland, your friends can always count on you to supply snacks for the whole group. Yes, it gets annoying lugging around five bags of SkinnyPop everywhere you go, but it's so worth it when everyone ends up praising you for it.

2. No matter how hard you try to let loose, you're always the one that ends up taking care of everybody after a night out

It doesn't matter how hard you try, you always end up being the first to sober up. You try with everything in you to ignore your friend who keeps wandering off, but the responsible voice inside you makes you snap into 'mom' mode and make sure your friends are all safe and sound.

3. You are secretly shocked by the wild stories about boys & booze your friends tell you

You like to go out and have fun, but you definitely have your limits (pretty much set in stone). You try not to act surprised when your friend tells you about her crazy adventures, but inside you freak out a little every time.

4. You would rather be in bed by 10pm than getting ready to go out

As much as you want to go out, there is nothing, and I mean nothing, better than throwing on your warmest PJs and getting into bed early. Let's face it, one episode of your favorite show > passing out at a frat house at 1 am.

5. You have a daily "routine"

No, I'm not talking about a morning make-up routine or nightly face-routine. This is much more complex. You wake up at the same time every morning, eat the same meals every day, and go to bed at the same time every night. And if something dares change on you, hell breaks loose until you can finally readapt.

6. You never forget to bring a jacket

You're always cold and you hate it. You don't want to get sick and you know you'll regret not bringing a jacket when you're shivering. So, you never forget to carry a sweater with you. Everyone's always jealous.

7. Your friends come to you when there is drama in the group

Because of your indifference to immature girl drama, you are never involved in your friends' shenanigans - until everyone comes running to you complaining about everyone else. It's okay, though, you always have a solution that makes everyone happy.

8. You find yourself having to look up new terminology your friends use

Recently, you've been noticing your best friend saying a word you've never heard before. Then your other friend says it. Now everyone in your social circle is using it. And at this point, it's too late to ask what it means. I mean, you don't want to sound lame! So, you turn to the only thing you know will help with no judgment: Urban Dictionary. Ohhhh, I get it now.

9. You drink more than three cups of tea per day

Before breakfast, after lunch, before bedtime - you name it, tea is always involved. A hot cup of tea can cure everything. And chamomile before bed = the best sleep you have ever had.

10. Your friends seek advice from you

Ah, yes. You are the sage, wise friend who always has answers. Any problem can be solved by your years of experience, limitless knowledge, and desire to help others. Your friends love to take advantage of you. You can't lie, though, you enjoy the respect.

11. "Can I put this in your bag?"

Hands down the most annoying one. Of course, you bring a bag wherever you go. Where else would you carry your phone, snacks, water, wallet, charger, jacket, umbrella, pen, notebook, change of clothes, nail file, lint roller, spare tire? You don't mind it until suddenly you're carrying your friends sh*t, too.

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