Dear Mom and Dad,
There’s a lot of things I could thank you for. I mean, a lot. But after listening to people talk or write on Facebook, right now I want to thank you for raising me with an awareness to politics.
Thank you for forcing me to listen to NPR when I wanted to listen to KISS.FM. At the time I probably was banging my head against the window and whining about how they didn’t need to water board terrorists on Guantanamo Bay because listening to "Fresh Air" with Terry Gross was torture enough. But now I realize that the fact I even knew what Guantanamo Bay is was most likely due to being forced to listen to NPR. My brain thanks you.
Thank you for instilling in me the importance of voting. I still remember going with you to vote in the 2004 Presidential Election before school started. I remember how the polling judge looked at you like you had two heads when you asked to fill out your ballot at any empty table rather than in a booth. But when you explained that you thought it was important to show your kids what it was like to fill out a ballot, she couldn’t have been happier to help. I bet more than half of the people my age have never been in a polling center, much less seen an actual ballot. I’d done both at the age of eight.
Thank you for teaching me people are not defined by the party they represent. For reiterating that just because someone is a conservative, that does not make them a selfish, money-hungry shark. Likewise, all liberals are not Birkenstock-wearing, weed-smoking hippies. People are individuals, and politics only make up a teeny tiny percent of who they are.
Similarly, thank you for reminding me that the party I represent doesn’t define me. My beliefs and ideas are my own, not a political party’s. And if some day my beliefs and ideas align with those of a candidate in another party, then they will have my vote. One should never vote for a candidate solely based upon their party.
Thank you for teaching me respect. There are going to be people who you will never see eye to eye with when it comes to politics. And while you may disagree with what a person’s saying, it’s important to respect and defend their right to say it. You’ve taught me that conflict is necessary, and without the consideration of everyone’s opinions, our society wouldn’t be able to function.
With that being said, thank you for pushing me to recognize when a candidate is no longer exercising their right of free speech, but instead spewing out endless amounts of hate speech and, pardon my language, bullshit. Thank you for encouraging me to stand up against tyrants like this, but at the same time reminding me not to stoop to their level. Don’t worry, Donald Trump, even though I may hate you, when you don't become president, I won’t make you pay for a wall to keep you out of this country. Because even though you’re a psychotic, angry oompa loompa with little hands, you’re still a person, and unlike you, I have parents who taught me the right way to treat people.
So many people don’t care about politics, and I have a strong suspicion it’s simply because they don’t know about politics. So thank you. Thanks for raising me to be socially aware and individually conscious. Thank you, mom and dad, for teaching me about politics.