Dear Mom and Dad,
From a young age, it was pretty evident that I was destined to give you a hard time about everything and anything. I wanted to say thank you for having so much patience with me throughout my entire life.
Thank you for setting an example for me of what it's like to work hard. Without that in my life, I wouldn't be the person that I am today.
Thank you for showering me with unconditional love; I didn't appreciate it back then, and all I did was shoot back attitude and disrespect. I know that I am so lucky to have you two in my life when I know others aren't as fortunate to have such loving parents.
Thank you for showing me that it's okay to make mistakes and that laughing off my mistakes will make it easier to move on from them. I also want to thank you for allowing me to make mistakes and to learn from them on my own.
Thank you for supporting any and every dream I ever had no matter how ridiculous it was. When I wanted to play soccer or dance or ride horses, you signed me up for lessons to support whatever I wanted to do. When I when I decided in third grade that I was going to be a CEO and graduate from Stanford, you told me that if that's what I wanted then I would have to work hard for it. You encouraged every dream I ever had and I cannot thank you both enough for that.
Thank you for teaching me forgiveness, and forgiving me for being a brat even when I didn't apologize. You also taught me that sometimes you have to accept an apology that you will never hear.
Thank you for showing me how to stand my ground and fight for what I believe in.Though most of that is just the stubbornness that inherited (looking at you, dad), that stubbornness also translates to fire and passion. The number of times we have gotten into a stand-off argument about petty things is ridiculous, but it's taught me to be strong. I remember getting into an argument with you guys about letting me go out-of-state for college. Your argument was the financial practicality, but my mind was made up about WSU and there was no changing it. It's because of your support that I'm up here in Washington now.
Thank you for believing in me, and allowing me to move out of the state just a few weeks after graduation.
Thank you for teaching me that I deserve kindness and respect, and for showing me when it's time to walk away from people when those things aren't shown. You have shown me what strength truly is. Whether it's the strength to walk away from someone or the strength to be the bigger person.
Thank you for teaching me to be courageous and brave. You have shown me that I can face any problem or struggle with a positive attitude. The number of times I have said "I can't" when something is too hard for me, and then the number of times you scolded me saying that "Can't never did anything." That was the push that I needed to be the best version of myself.
Thank you for giving me the best little brother.
Thank you for sacrificing way more than you should have to make sure that I could have everything and anything that I possibly needed.
Dad, you sacrificed a big chunk of time with your family by going on business trips, but it was all to support your family which I am forever grateful for. You showered us with gifts and trips to the park, not to mention you were the easiest to convince when I wanted a puppy. When you were home you never got a spare second to yourself between Tyler and me.
Mom, you sacrificed every afternoon to take care of the home and your children; cleaning up after me and Tyler, tearing us away from petty sibling arguments and making sure we got to every soccer game, piano lesson, swim lesson, and Tae Kwon Do class on time. We weren't the easiest to handle and you had to experience every minute of it, so thank you.
Thank you for showing me what love truly is. You have both been the best examples of what it means to care for someone more than yourself. You have both proved that with not only each other but with the way that you raised Tyler and me.
Thank you for always picking up the phone when I call, even if it's just be ranting and crying to you for hours. You guys always say the right thing, whether I want to hear it or not. You don't compromise the truth on my behalf, you guys are honest and give great advice.
Thank you for always having your arms open to me, especially on days when I just need to run back home.
Most importantly, thank you for being the best parents I could have ever hoped for. Without your inspiration, drive, and support, I would never be the person I am today.
Your forever grateful daughter.