I need to start this off with the most important thing: I'm sorry. I'm sorry for the fights, the many tears, and even for the things that haven't even happened yet. I'm sorry.
Something that I, among other people, have realized is that one day you picked me up for the last time. However, even though you no longer pick me up physically, you pick me up in every other way possible. You picked me up when that boy broke my heart when I didn't make that team, and all the other times I saw the cup half empty instead of half full.
Now that I have moved out of the house and into my own apartment, I miss you. I miss you walking into my room to talk to me about whatever, I miss coming home at night and you waiting up for me, and I despite all my protesting, I miss your advice.
I hope that all of my texts, phone calls, and facetime don't bother you too much, I just miss you. Believe it or not, they are one of my favorite things out of my day and make me feel better now that I've moved away.
I know I didn't talk to you about things a lot when I was little but believe me when I say I tell you pretty much everything now. You're one of the first people to know what's happening in my life, whether it's good or bad. You're just one of the girls now when it comes to my gossip.
I never thought that I would be able to consider you as one of my best friends, but I definitely do now. I am always worried about the next time I can come see you or the next time you can come up and see me. When will that be, by the way?
You were right. You were right about pretty much everything you warned me about. Grocery shopping makes me sad now and I'm really mad about how much toilet paper costs. I don't wish that I could move back home, but I do wish I had listened a little more to what you had to say.
You're my best friend, my biggest supporter, my favorite phone call, and most importantly, my mom. I love you beyond the stars and I'm so lucky to be your daughter.