I am 100% on board with young women being positive about the way they look. Everyone is beautiful in their own unique way, and they deserve to feel confident with their body.
The movement toward a more body-positive society has inspired younger generations of women...
But when did embracing our bodies become an excuse or reason to plaster pictures of ourselves in swimsuits, underwear and revealing clothing all over the internet?
I have always been a fan of modest and non-revealing clothing. When I try on clothes while shopping, I will not buy low-cut t-shirts or tank tops. I refuse to wear super tight dresses and skirts. I most definitely do not prefer skimpy string bikinis. When high-neck swimsuits became fashionable, I considered writing a handwritten, heartfelt letter thanking the fashion industry for this tasteful decision.
The word "insecure" is used way too much in today's world.
My choice to wear non-revealing clothing does not mean that I feel uncomfortable in my own skin. Quite simply, I feel more comfortable when I am wearing fashionable, yet modest clothing. Deciding to conceal your body does not mean that you lack confidence. On the contrary, modesty is confident in itself. My choice to wear non-revealing clothing does not mean that I feel uncomfortable in my own skin. I am so confident that my body is beautiful that I do not need to show it off. I do not need compliments on my figure to feel like my best self. Quite simply, I feel more comfortable when I am wearing fashionable, yet modest clothing.
Why should my preference to be modest be seen as old-fashioned and prudish while your decision to show off your body to strangers is labeled revolutionary and empowering?
I am empowered, along with all of the other women who choose to honor their body in modest ways. My body belongs to me and, just like you, I will display it as I choose. I honor it by making it known that it belongs to me and only me.
Do not label me as "anti-body positive." Do not label me as a prude.