I used to always tell younger girls modest was hottest.
One of my old articles on Odyssey is going viral again currently, and in it, I say, "modest is hottest."
Now, as I grow older I realize modest isn't hottest.
I'll be honest with you, completely honest: I still struggle with dressing modestly. This summer I have purposefully been trying to work on the way I dress. Last winter, I still had my favorite short leather skirt. Last month, I still had my favorite trendy crop top that was probably a little too cropped.
The problem with the typical modest is hottest talk is it is entirely untrue. It is false. Do not tell me modest is hottest when body con dresses have been in for the past 4 seasons. Do not tell me modest is hottest when every summer they seem to make bikini bottoms smaller and smaller.
Do not tell me modest is hottest when I struggle to find one piece that don't make me feel like my butt is hanging out.
SEE ALSO:Check out more of Grace Valentine's articles on her website.
Here's the truth: trends say modest is not hottest.And if we took a poll and asked men what they thought, I bet 9/10 would say they prefer the girl with the shorter shorts, the crop tops, and the itsy bitsy tiny bikini bottoms.men what they thought, I bet 9/10 would say they prefer the girl with the shorter shorts, the crop tops, and the itsy bitsy tiny bikini bottoms.
But we are called to seek the Kingdom. We are not called to seek attention. We are not called to seek fashion trends, or seek to show off the body we are given.
I am not here to tell you to dress modestly for men. If men want to lust, they will find someone to lust over. Both men and women need to work on self-control.
Dress modestly because you desire to seek God's glory over affirmation from the world.
What I am asking you is: are you seeking to be "hot?"
Last time I checked homeboy Jesus did not call you to be hot.
He did not say, "here are the ten commandments for being hot: commandment one, be modest."
No, He didn't... because Jesus doesn't call us to be hot.
You aren't going to get to the gates and have Jesus ask you...
"Hey, Brittany... did you wear that totally trendy suede mini-skirt that made all the boys stare at your booty? The one that gets you 200 likes on Insta?"
He will not, because He wants you to focus on a life that is different than the world's calling. He calls us to glorify Him through our lives.
And this includes your body.
SEE ALSO:Check out more of Grace Valentine's articles on her website.
Your body serves one purpose. The purpose of your body is to be a sacrifice for the Lord. Your hands and feet should be used to spread His name. Your life is meant to be given to the One who gave you life.
The minute you think your body was created to be gawked at by guys is the minute you forget about your eternal purpose.
I struggle with this topic and living out this truth. This is not me acting holier than thou and as if I have it all together. However, I know my goal for today and tomorrow is for the body the Lord created to be used to serve Him. Nothing is wrong with a cute dress, and putting on some makeup; however, never allow yourself to think hot is your goal of the morning.
Instead, pray to have the fruits of the spirit. Pray to seek your Creator, not men or fashion statements. And most importantly pray that today you can use your body to glorify the Lord.
Romans 12:1 "Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God–this is your true and proper worship."
Photo credit: My beautiful friend Olivia Wright!