My parents made it a point to raise me and my sisters in an open-minded household. We have always discussed EVERYTHING from seemingly unimportant topics like TV shows to deliberating controversial issues like politics and religion. My family is extraordinarily open with each other; I know this is a rarity.
As I’ve gotten older, I’ve realized how important and valuable an open family relationship is; I don’t know what I would do if I felt like I couldn’t tell my parents something, especially as a freshman in college. I call my mother almost every day just to discuss things and to update each other. Lately, I’ve been telling her my observations about my peers and their behavior. What I see is a huge shift in the way young men and women interact with each other. This is particularly important as we approach Valentine’s Day.
My parents are a fantastic model couple. Yeah, they have had their disagreements and arguments but honestly, who hasn't? My parents are equals and treat each other as such; both have made sacrifices for one another and have created a harmonious unit--our family.
I’ve been told many, many times that, when my parents were dating, my father made it a point to bring my mother flowers, open her car door, or walk up to the door when picking her up. These could be seen as archaic courting practices, but they were signs of respect.
Because of my parents and their example, I believe in chivalry, too. I know, I know, that idea is said to be outdated by some feminists and they would be appalled at a man holding the door open for them. I get it. But I also believe there should be a good balance between being equals while also expecting certain decorum. In any good partnership, there needs to be respect. If one person does not respect the other’s opinion, choices, preferences etc., that is a recipe for disaster.
Sadly, the idea of traditional dating seems to be dying out. My generation is the one of technology and social media. Where a “like” or late night text are seen as acceptable forms of flirting- don’t even get me started on the concept of people “talking.” I have heard time and time again about girls’ bad experiences with boys-both online and in real life. Unfortunately, some have accepted this behavior as a fact of life, while others just think they deserved to be treated poorly. This is not okay.
As Valentine’s Day approaches, let me say that this holiday does NOT hold the weight it used to. I also think everyone should take a step back and reevaluate their relationships. If you are in a healthy relationship, great! If not, hopefully, you will also see a need for change.