What does it truly mean to be a feminist?
Typically, when people hear the F word (feminist), they roll their eyes and think back to the stereotypical image of radical feminists of the 70s and 80s, burning their bras, not shaving, and hating men.
Today, feminism is so much more than that -- or at least, to me it is. Up until a couple of months ago, I was thinking the same thing all of you are. It wasn't until I took a course on Women's and Gender Studies that I learned what it truly means to be a feminist, and ever since then, my love for feminism has flourished and expanded beyond measure.
Myth #1: Feminism means you hate men
This myth, in particular, could not be further from the truth. Feminists don't hate men -- we love them, and in some cases, even enough to marry. The idea behind feminism is not that men are the enemy and all men are evil; it's that women and all other genders simply want to be treated with equality and equity.
Feminism is the idea that everyone, no matter the gender, should be able to have equal rights, opportunities, access and respect. Men are not the enemy; the idea of masculinity and hierarchy within genders is. Men can be and should be, feminists themselves. Anyone who believes in having equal rights, opportunities and respect for all should consider themselves a feminist.
Myth #2: Feminism is only inclusive of women
Feminism is a very complex subject that can be broken up into many different intersectionalities, such as race, class, gender, sexuality, ability, etc. It is no longer women vs. men.
It is inclusive of any group of the population that is being marginalized or oppressed due to a system of the hierarchy created by society. Feminists stand for everyone in the battle of erasing the idea of hierarchy within society and creating both equality and equity for everyone. This includes minority communities, the LGBTQIA+ community, low-class communities, etc. No matter what intersectionality people may fall under, the goal remains the same for all.
On one of the first days of this course, we were asked to write what being a feminist means to us. My statement was, "Feminism for me is the idea that everyone (especially women) should be treated with complete equality and shouldn’t have to be targeted or shamed in any way based on their gender/sex."
This is a definition that I still hold very true, and have used as a starting point to expand my knowledge and interest in feminism. Feminism is the idea of having peace and harmony among all humans and erasing any dominance or hierarchy between sexes within society. Believing in feminism is believing in equality and equity for all.