Recently, I have been learning about one of the most told stories of the world, the story of Adam and Eve. Almost all Christians know it, but I feel like there are some very vital parts that we miss by not reading between the lines (which once again proves how cool God is to intricately mold all of the lives of the world to tie together in the most beautiful way!!!). Basically, we are Adam and Eve. We sin, we fall short. If we were in their place, we would probably do the same thing, because we do the same thing daily.
So the story we all know, God created all of the Earth and named it good. He also created man, the first ones being Adam and Eve. The whole world was perfect. God gave Adam and Eve one rule, to not eat from the tree of good and evil. They were tempted by Satan in the form of a serpent, and they did it. This is what brought sin into the world, and man was then separated from God.
That's the basis of the story. But it turns out there was so. much. more. The fall of man reveals so much more than just sin being brought into the world.
When Eve gave into Satan's schemes, the fruit was seen to be "good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom" (Genesis 3:6) and that is why she gave into eating the fruit so easily. That is something that is usually not said but so very important. There are many things in this world that are sinful, and we know they are sinful (just like Eve knew she wasn't supposed to eat the fruit), that are attractive and catch our eye. Sinful things are pleasing to the eye, but not pleasing when you are sitting in the midst of them. These things catch our eye and we give into them, just like Eve gave into this sin. Satan tempts us just like he tempted Eve, and we continuously give into him. It's hard not to, and that is something we are never going to not do because we are not perfect, but that is OKAY.
Additionally, when Adam and Eve both sinned, their eyes were opened and they were shameful and embarrassed. "They hid from the Lord God among the trees of the garden" (Genesis 3:8) and this was a time of guilt. We do the same thing when we mess up. We think we can "hide" from God as we wallow up in shame. But we can't because God knows our every move and every breath. He has planned out our every step. We are just like Adam and Eve, we try to get around the sins we make, or we try to justify doing them. We try to hide them by keeping them in darkness. We are like Adam and Eve as we are ashamed of ourselves and feel unworthy of the Lord. It's human nature to feel this way, but that is OKAY.
You see, even the oldest story in the book can relate to us now in the year 2017. Literally, we can relate to the first people on Earth when God created it!! It just shows how immaculate our God really is.
We are Adam and Eve, we give into sin and we become ashamed, but you see for us, the story doesn't end there. God didn't like being separated from us so He came up with a solution. He sent His son Jesus Christ down to Earth to live a sinless life. He was tempted just like Adam and Eve, but he never sinned. He was strong in faith and heart, and he was fully God and fully man. But He was sentenced to be crucified on the cross. He died the most gruesome death, and He took our sins on the cross. But the story doesn't end there. Three days later, He defeated death! He conquered it and resurrected back to life and later ascended into Heaven.
With Jesus in our hearts, we are forgiven of our sins. When we are tempted, we can give in, but God shows us grace and forgives us. We become pure in His eyes. And that is one incredible thing.
So next time you feel like Adam or Eve and give into that attractive sin, don't hide away in shame, instead turn straight to God, as He is rich in mercy and kindness and ready to forgive you of all of your sin. Take peace in this today.