The average height of American women is 5-foot-4. The average height of U.S. men is 5-foot-9.5-inches. The average height of Vanessa Copetas is 5-foot-8 — four inches taller than the average female, and only an inch and a half shorter than the average male. As a moderately tall girl, I find myself facing a lot of #tallgirlproblems but then get hate from the “5-foot-10 and taller club”. The struggles of being slightly taller than normal are no easy thing.
1. LOL at finding a date that more than two inches taller than you!
It’s date party season! But it’s close to impossible to find a date that will still be taller than you if you want to wear heels. In most pictures you’ll see me doing an awkward “hip out” pose to appear shorter than my date, nine times out of 10 I’m wearing flats in the picture too.
2. You don't own heels.
Every guy that is taller than you is only taller than you by a few inches, so buying heels isn't really necessary. Every event leaves you wearing flats because ...
3. When you do wear heels you feel like a giant.
Any time I do decide to wear heels I regret the
idea immediately. Being taller than all girls and most guys puts you in an
uncomfortable position and leaves you feeling left out of the crowd
(you aren’t left out ... you’re just above them).
4. Your friends are the same height as you ... when
they wear heels.
Kidding! You’re probably still taller than
they are.
I'm in the green dress, and I'm wearing flats.
Everyone else is wearing heels, but we're all the same height ...
5. You get the question “How tall are your parents?” often.
My mom is 5-foot-3, my dad is 5-foot-10, my brother is 6-foot-2. No, I do not know where we get our height from.
6. Dancing.
Moving your arms in weird formations and jumping up and down (because you weren’t tall enough already) is considered dancing for moderately tall girls. Usually you end up hitting someone, something or are laughed at because you look the inflatable tube people you see on the side of the road.
7. You're a pro at squatting.
Who needs the gym when you're kind of tall? Rather than being almost a foot taller, squatting in an uncomfortably low position for a photo op seems like the better route to go.
8. “Can you reach up there? I’m too short.”
9. Being put in the back for everything and tricking yourself into thinking it’s your height.
I’m not back here because I’m ugly or can’t dance. It’s because I’m tall. ... I think.
Because my strides are three times the size of yours given the length of my legs, sorry.
11. Twitter: “Short girls are the best girls”
*Violently throws phone and self esteem out of window.*
12. Easier to be awkward.
With an abnormal length of arms and legs, it’s hard to control them. In addition to towering over someone, it’s easier to be caught in an embarrassing moment when you’re tall.
13. Dresses.
Here's the shortest fantasy story: A [semi] tall girl finds a dress that doesn't look like a shirt. Long legs make everything look short. Despite how long the dress might be, there's a high possibility it will end up looking like a shirt.
14. If you need to shave your legs, carve an hour out of your schedule.
All girls hate shaving their legs, it takes up too much time and is hard in a small shower. However, when you're taller than normal, the task is even harder. Not only do you have more leg to shave, but you also don't have any room to extend it.
15. "Real" tall girls get mad.
If you complain about anything related to height to a girl taller than you, you’ll probably receive a sassy: “Aren’t you only [insert moderately tall height here]?” response back. Yes, the 5-10 and over club is a rarity, but all of us [even moderately] tall girls need to stick together! Together, we can create a society where it is acceptable for girls to wear heels and stand at 6-foot-1. Or at least we can pretend it's normal.
In the end, being tall(ish), isn't that big of a deal. Between the amount of flats we need to purchase and the number of pictures we're squatting in, we have no choice but to accept it.
Keep your head up semi-tall girl ... actually maybe don't, you might be taller than your date.