MLB Regular Season is Just Around the Corner | The Odyssey Online
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MLB Regular Season is Just Around the Corner

Storylines and Predictions For the 2017 Pro Baseball Season

MLB Regular Season is Just Around the Corner

The 2016 MLB season brought a lot of memorable moments and memories. Two teams hungry for a World Series title, the Cleveland Indians and the Chicago Cubs, met last October, to determine which club will end their long championship misery. In the end, it was the Cubs who came out on top, breaking their 108-year championship curse. But Major League Baseball had to have been pleased with those results. For one thing, it was the second consecutive World Series matchup that did not feature either the San Francisco Giants or the St. Louis Cardinals, two of baseball’s traditional, well-run franchises. This season, however, will be more intriguing:Will the Cubs become a dynasty, now that they won a championship? Who will be this year’s Chicago Cubs team, breaking through and winning a championship for the first time ever, or the for the first time in a while? The Los Angeles Dodgers, Washington Nationals, Texas Rangers, Houston Astros, and the Cleveland Indians are all worthy candidates.

Here are a few more storylines to watch as the season approaches:

Which Players Have the Best Chances at winning the American League and National League Most Valuable Player Awards?

Last season, Los Angeles Angels centerfielder Mike Trout and Chicago Cubs third baseman Kris Bryant took home the AL and NL MVP awards. Last season, as posted by, Trout recorded a .315 batting average, with 29 home runs, 100 runs batted in(RBI), and an on-base percentage(OBP) of .441. This despite fact that his team, the L.A. Angels, has missed the playoffs four out of the last five years since he made his big-league debut in 2012. Bryant, meanwhile, generated a .292 batting average, to go along with 39 home runs and 102 RBI, and played a vital role in the Cubs winning their first championship in over a century. These two players will get their share of attention in the MVP conversation, as well as Detroit Tigers first baseman Miguel Cabrera and L.A. Dodgers starting pitcher Clayton Kershaw and infielder Corey Seager.

The Youth Revolution in the Bronx

The New York Yankees have missed the postseason three out of the last four years (2013, 2014, and 2016), but there is reason for optimism for Bronx Bombers. The current roster is mainly composed of players who are in their 20s, such as first baseman Greg Bird, outfielder Aaron Judge, and catcher Gary Sanchez. It will take time for these young athletes to grow and develop their skills in the major leagues, but manager Joe Girardi and the veteran players and coaches are ready to embrace the challenges.

World Series Prediction: Rangers over Nationals

This would be a great look for MLB. Texas and Washington have yet to claim a championship in their respected histories, but both have the talent to get to the next level and achieve glory. This is a bold prediction, but in the sport of baseball, anything is possible. Rangers in six games.

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