It did not take me long to realize after I graduated how clueless I was about certain things. I may have known how to solve the Pythagorean Theorem or how to calculate the number of moles in a given solution but, I lacked knowledge on basic life skills. I have compiled a list of six classes I believe all high school students should be required to take.
1. Adulting 101
This class would teach kids how to file tax returns, read insurance plans or apply for health insurance. How can we expect kids to become independent from their parents if they have no clue how to do these things.
2. Financial Planning 233
What is a 401K? What is a mortgage and how do I get one? How do certain student loans work? What if I get fired? How do I apply for unemployment? All of these are crucial questions kids may need answered before graduating high school. If we continue to enable our future generations financially, how will they provide for their families down the road?
3. Pig Latin 452
What are my constitutional rights? I know I have the right to free speech, but can I protest in this way? My neighbor was talking about building a full auto weapon, is that legal? Should I call the police? At what point am I being detained? When can I ask for an attorney? How do I appeal a traffic ticket? We have a complex legal system and kids need to know how to navigate it.
4. Spanish Mastery
This one is already required by some schools at the high school level, but I believe we should be teaching Spanish at the elementary level as well. Not only does it make the student more marketable on the job force, it is a vital skill to have in our global society.
5. Life Planning 120
Do I really need to go to college? What sort of opportunities are there other than college? What can the military offer me? What should I be thinking about if I want to start a family? There are a lot of kids who believe college is the only route and that is simply not true.
6. Public Safety 101
This class would offer CPR, AED, First Aid, and Blood-borne Pathogen training so they can be ready for an emergency. This class would also discuss active shooter scenarios. Not only at schools but in a variety of public spaces. This will ensure the safety of future generations.
The curriculum in public schools are failing students. Instead of preparing kids to enter the workforce right out of high school, schools are "preparing students for college". The air quotes are there because schools are so focused on graduation rates, they forget to teach the kids anything and just help them over the bar; ultimately setting them up for failure after high school. While none of these classes would be valuable in most jobs after high school, they would all help the student function independently from their parents.