Does one mistake define me? Does a decision I made in the past become who I am? When I was 5 I stole my stepdads chain to show my friends at school. 15 years later does that make me a thief? If everyone was known for his or her mistakes would we hate every person we came in contact with? People can't seem to move on from the past. They thrive on making others feel bad. When you allow people to define you, then you begin to believe them. They say you're a liar, cheater, whore you begin to believe them. That's the problem then you have allowed them to control your life. It happens most often in small towns. Where everyone was raised here, starts families here, and eventually dies here, never leaving the town they’ve always known. Now it’s not everyone in the town, It’s the group, you know the group of people who question why you’re there and aren’t accepting to outsiders. It’s hard to try to fit in with the people who don’t want you to fit in, because you don’t belong. So the question isn't does one mistake define me it should be will YOU let one mistake define you? Through out your life you change and learn from past mistakes, if people can't see you've grown up they are ignorant. Those people are toxic. You're so much more than their version of you.
Don't let them define you! YOU define YOU!