With the historically crazy presidential election draining most of our political tolerance before we even get out of bed each morning, the other political campaigns have taken a back seat. Now we're only a week away from election day and half of us don't even know who is running for the other positions, or what they stand for. Offices for Senate, House of Representatives, and State Governor are equally as important to the success of this country as the presidency, so it would behoove us all to educate ourselves on the men and women we're expected to vote for (or against) on November 8, even if it's just a quick overview of their stances on pressing issues.
Republican Nominee: Roy Blunt
Senator Roy Blunt's voting record and campaign page have more information.
Abortion: Pro-life -- Ban past 5 months
Education: Nothing on website
Healthcare: Repeal and Replace Obamacare
Agriculture: Repeal death tax and stop water regulations
Second Amendment: Keep guns away from criminals without imposing burdens on citizens
Democratic Nominee: Jason Kander
Go to Kander's campaign page or voting record for more information.
Abortion: Pro-choice
Education: Expand charter schooling
Healthcare: Expand health care coverage
Agriculture: Supports country-of-origin labels and establishing Cuban trade
Second Amendment: Keep concealed carry restrictions
House of Representatives (6th district)
Republican Nominee: Sam Graves
Go to Graves' campaign page or voting record for more information.
Abortion: Pro-life
Education: Works best when flow starts at local level
Healthcare: Repeal and replace Obamacare
Agriculture: Stop water regulations and create global market competition
Second Amendment: Restrict funding to Obama's executive orders regarding gun control
Democratic Nominee: David Blackwell
Blackwell does not have a voting record or campaign page, but you can interact with him on his Facebook page. He speaks mostly about global warming and donating to his campagin on his Facebook page, but he has endorsed Jason Kander for consistently being "on the right side of the issues," so it is safe to assume his stats reflect that of Kanders.
Republican Nominee: Eric Greitens
Learn more at Greitens' campaign page.
Abortion: Pro-life
Education: Opposes Common Core, local agencies in charge of education
Government: Ban lobbyist gifts, create term limits, lower taxes
Agriculture: Limit regulations and side with farmers' wishes
Second Amendment: Always defend right to bear arms for law-abiding citizens - NRA Member
Democratic Nominee: Chris Koster

Learn more at Koster's campaign page.
Abortion: Pro-choice
Education: Raise teacher pay and increase school funding
Government: Limit campaign contributions, transparent campaign finances,
Agriculture: Stop over-regulation and increase access to global markets
Second Amendment: Defends right to bear arms -- Endorsed by NRA