Breakups are hard, no matter the circumstances, an end can be difficult to comprehend or deal with.
But I think if we're honest, sometimes, despite arguments, hurtful words, or cruel actions we have this small sense of hope. This idea that maybe, just maybe he's gonna turn around.
He'll reach out with an, "I miss you."
Or an, "I want you back."
The movies make it look particularly romantic.
Looking back on one another as they walk away, or the running towards one another dramatically.
Running to stop a car, or keep them from getting on their flight, there's something about second chances that warms our hearts.
But I'm here to sadly inform you, not everyone gets that.
Sometimes you're the girl, waiting for the text, waiting for them to turn around and run back, and it never happens.
You're the one sitting in the same spot they left you in, and they're not even in the picture anymore.
And when it happens more than once, it gets old.
But it still hurts.
Being the only one, sitting their, available.
Ready at any moment to talk, to communicate in some way, or reconcile.
Why do you have to be the one who still cares or has feelings?
Why are you still sad after all this time?
And they truthfully, aren't.
It sucks to be the person who was "left."
Or the one who embarrasses themselves in an effort to re-connect or get their attention, and to be hit with that painful rejection.
You text them when you're sad, stalk their social media, or find yourself STILL talking about them.
When they have either blocked you, forgotten your existence, or have entirely moved on with someone else.
And you just look ridiculous.
I can't tell you how unfair it feels,
I wish I could take whatever they had to make all the memories and feelings go away.
To make it seem so easy.
They get by all calm, cool and collective, and you're the crazy emotional one that everyone either feels bad for or is telling to get a grip.
It's hard to not be the first choice either.
To hear the words, "I'm just not ready for something serious."
And find them weeks later fully committed to someone else.
To have someone give up on your so easily, without a fight.
And then watch them laugh at you behind your back.
You're just the girl in the back seat, the one who didn't get picked, and it sucks because no one can predict this or prevent this.
It doesn't happen to everyone, but for some of us, it's a re-reoccurring nightmare.
And when you're the girl that has this happen to you multiple times, you begin realizing that this trip isn't meant for two.
So you pull yourself up, dust off your feet, and get in the driver's seat.
Choosing YOU, instead.