Going home for the holidays is always a good time! You have your family and all the fun of Christmas and New Years, but there is something tugging at you. Something is making your heart sad.
You miss your roommates. They are your best friends in the whole world, they know everything about you, and you wouldn't want to share life with anybody else.
The Christmas break starts and everyone departs for home, which may be a plane ride and a time zone away.
When the initial shock of being home wears off, you realize all you want is to see their smiling faces.
Your parents go to work and you don't know this feeling of "home alone."
It's odd, and unnatural.
You reminisce on past times, like thinking of anything to do besides study,
Consoling weekly cry sessions,
Believing you all can dance,
and knowing you can't....
Getting way too hyped up about food,
And never feeling judged for it,
and not to mention your killer living room sleepovers.
You keep in constant contact over the break.
Even though you really enjoyed your time at home, you happily return to your little world of college.