Coming to college is amazing. You meet so many new people, make lifelong friends, and experience new things, much different than that of high school. The best part, most kids will say, is getting to live with all of your best friends. If you want to go to dinner or go to a concert, you don't need to call up for friend or drive over to their house, you can run down the hall and jump on their bed. The relationships you build as a result of living, eating, and breathing with all of your friends are ones that are not comparable to your high school friends, making it so hard to say goodbye for the three long months of summer. As the year comes to a close, everyone packs up their dorm rooms, says goodbye to all of their friends, and heads home. As much fun as it is to catch up with old high school friends at a party or a beach day, you know you will be checking your group chat with your best friends from school, seeing what everyone is up to. Of course there is the classic friend who will write in the chat everyday just to see what everyones up to. One of the worst parts is not being able to be as loud and goofy as you want during the summer because your roommates (your parents) don't like to stay up all night blasting music. Although we all do love the summer season, the relaxation and long summer nights with old friends, a part of us itches to get back to school with our friends. Good news is, summer always flies by; but, before we know it, will be fall again, and we will be running down the hall to wake up our best friend.
RelationshipsMay 13, 2015
Missing Your Friends In The Summer
We all love to go home and reunite with our high school friends after a year of college, but we always still have an empty feeling in our stomach that makes us miss our college friends.