My dad passed away 7 years ago and missing him is one of the worst pains I encounter. People always have someone that they miss, but when the person you miss has passed away, the pain is more intense.
You just want to grab your phone and call them, hear their voice or feel their presence one more time, and you know you can't.
It's like seeing them could brighten your entire year, but we don't have access to heaven yet.
It's an even weirder experience in your mind too, because you can't really explain it and it comes and goes as it pleases. You could be super happy and then see one thing that triggers you and you are suddenly overwhelmed with this feeling of missing them.
Death is a tricky subject, one of the few things we actually know nothing about, which is a hard pill to swallow.
Death happens to everyone sooner or later, and everyone experiences losing a loved one. Those that have passed on are often missed by many and it is a consuming feeling. Wanting so badly to just be in the deceased person's presence you find yourself almost in a state of panic not knowing how to stop it. It then goes away, like it drifts off in your mind and you are finally able to control your feelings again.
Missing someone you love in heaven is a different kind of feeling, a different stage of missing someone. A feeling so strong that it can consume your mind, gravitating you to only think of that person and different memories you have with them. You miss them all the time, but sometimes it feels more surreal, like it's the only thing you could do.
I know that my life would be better if I were able to see or talk to my dad still, but for now all I have is a feeling that my guardian angel is going through this life by my side.
To those we miss, stay by our sides, give us the strength we need.