What I Missed Most About Bloomington After 106 Days Aways | The Odyssey Online
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What I Missed Most About Bloomington After 106 Days Aways

106 days is too long to stay away

What I Missed Most About Bloomington After 106 Days Aways
Wikimedia Commons

106 days. That is how many days I spent at home away from Bloomington, Indiana. I was ready to come back after day 3. While it was nice to have a summer at home with old friends and family, 106 days was a little too much for me. Here are just a few of the things I have been itching to get back to school for the past 3 months.


Mother Bear’s, Pizza X, cookies from Baked, Z & C, you name it, I missed it. While I do appreciate Chicago style deep dish at home, I will always have a soft spot in my heart for some Pizza X cheesy bread with a side of ranch that I just cannot get anywhere else. Not to mention all of the other options offered through the variety of restaurants with food from all over the globe that brings a type of culture to Bloomington that I missed.


I have visited a lot of college campuses over the past few years, and not many compare to the beauty that is IU’s campus. From Showalter fountain to the Arboretum to Sample Gates, you will never find a blade of grass out of place. Every day I go to class I think about how lucky I am to attend such a beautiful school with such a well-kept campus.


This one should go without saying. I love my friends from home but spending 3 months away from my college friends was way too long for me. I am so happy to be back and living with all my closest friends who are always down for getting ice cream or having cuddle sessions.

IU football/tailgates

There is no better feeling than game day in Bloomington. Oh, the game starts at 8 p.m.? We better open the tailgate fields at 8 a.m.!!! That is the Hoosier way. We might not always make it to the actual game, but we support our Hoosiers through thick and thin. Remember, we may not win every game but we’re still undefeated in tailgates.

Greek row

North Jordan is also something that most other campuses don’t compare to. With over 40 housed fraternities and sororities on campus, our Greek row is a beautiful one. It is hard to even choose which one of these mansions is the prettiest (well, other than maybe the 52,000 square ft Fiji house).


Downtown Bloomington is one of my favorite places to be. Walking up and down Kirkwood on a sunny day will put anyone in a good mood. With all of the restaurants, shops and events going on it is impossible to ever get bored. Whether you want to go out for a nice meal, grab a cup of coffee, or even just people watch, downtown Bloomington is the perfect place to go.

Sample Gates

The most identifiable landmark on IU’s campus. This is the gateway from downtown to actual campus. These beautiful limestone gates never get boring to look at. They are just as remarkable in the summer and fall as they are in the winter covered in snow with evergreen wreaths. I still get goosebumps every time I come into town and see the Sample Gates and know that I am home.

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