It's been nearly 365 days since I last had a conversation with you. I miss you every day. This is a letter to a man who started it all for my family, and it's a special thank you for all that he did. His love and passion for farming will continue for generations.
It's nearly been a year since I last saw you. It seems like much longer. The family farm is still doing well thanks to my brother Nate and my dad. They provide so well for my family due to all of their hard work. They have always had a passion for farming, and you're the one to thank for that.
I still remember all of the times riding in the tractors with you on the farm, those were some precious memories. Every time I go up to Michigan to the farm, I think of you and Grandma so much. You were such a brave man going into WWII as a medic, and I look up to you so much for that. There's no words to describe how honored I am to be your grand-daughter.
Thank you for making the Betz family what it is today, because the love you had for Grandma was so special.
I'm sure you and Grandma are having a wonderful time up there, but just always remember that we miss you both so dearly.
I'll see you when I see you, but until then, watch over all of us Betz's here.
I love you so much.
Your grand-daughter