The wold of fashion is already a jar of knives to being with. The racism, nepotism and sheer disrespect towards the people in the business and those who are on the outside desperately trying to get in, and these are just only a few problems that I can come up with. But these problems are easily covered, drowned out with gorgeously crafted pieces, beads, sequins and models who have been trimmed from head to toe. The fashion world has its flaws but they cover them so very well.
Seeming to fit the bill of dramatic displays of fashion and well-crafted shows that bring out the top heads of the fashion world, Kanye West’ Yeezy Season Collection is what I want to highlight in this week's article.
Its very slim pickings when it comes to models of color and even designers of colors, even slimmer when it comes to Black models and designers. So, when I see one little spec of us in this beautifully crafted mess of frills and long-limbed bodies, I want to do nothing but support them but it’s sad to say that I’ve come to my very last strand of support when it comes to the Yeezy Collection and Kanye West himself.
Two things that I should address now:
Yeezy Season is not fashion.
Kanye West is not a fashion designer.
Besides seeing the same thing for the past four collections, same materials, fabrics, and awkward cut outs. The fashion world and us on the outside were slapped with a new debacle when it came to the star-studded Yeezy brand.
Mr. West called only for models of mixed raced.
Mixed race. I want to ask what that means but we all know what that means in 2016 so I’ll save you the trouble of having to read another long discourse about the Mixed Race model call of 2016. In all honestly it probably wasn’t the first and most certainly won’t be the last but for it to come from such a powerful black figure makes the situation at hand even more jarring than the request its self.
Now let’s skip to the actual show.
A mess.
Just a straight up, pure mess of poorly constructed footwear, body suits, two pieces and apparently models who weren’t well hydrated.
Two models actually had to physically be helped off of the blandly constructed stage because they had fainted, standing in the bleak, hot sun like statues for more than three hours. These models weren’t even helped by the West/Addidas team, random strangers had to reach out to grab the girls and give them water.
Just another alarming act with this year's disaster of a show that we can add to a growing list.
Moving on from the models to actual show its self, we come to ask the question why Kanye felt the need to make people wait an additional two hours to see such a lackluster collection.
People who were invited to the show had to wait 1.5 hours after a one-hour bus ride just to see girls who couldn’t walk across the damn stage. Multiple, high-ranking fashion editors and others who attended felt completely disrespected. I’m not well versed when it comes to fashion week but from what I’ve researched and learned, time is money when it comes to these shows. People do not have time to give when it comes to fashion week. They can’t wait for you and your entourage to make your grand entrance and take your time to display clothes that we’ve already seen before. It’s disrespectful to the people and their time and it smells a lot like hot, sheer arrogance.
Overall, I believe that his show is not fashion. It’s just another over-priced display of Kanye being Kanye and people feeding into the madness. Just a giant, bland Kanye West commercial that is over hyped and over played every single year. There is no validity, no passion behind these pieces or the show its self.
Don’t get me wrong, the man is a creative genius when it comes to music but he should stick to what he knows and fashion is not what he knows.